Chapter 6

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Hayley smiled to herself as she walked around the small room that Bill Forbes used once on his daughter.

"Let's begin, shall we?" Hayley asked her rhetorical question while pulling out the daggers out of her back pocket.

"Hayley--I don't understand...Please stop." Elena stuttered.

Hayley grinned, and shook her head. She slammed the daggers down and into Elena's hands.


"Okay let's be calm about this, you put up the barrier keeping every supernatural being in Mystic Falls, right?" Davina and Bonnie nodded to Stefan's question.

"So there is still a possibility that they are in town?" Rebekah asked.

"Yes...Since when are you so willing to help Barbie Klaus?" Damon asked, and Rebekah rolled her eyes.

"Call it my soul." Damon gave her a skeptical look, "Fine, my brother, I hate seeing him in this much pain." They looked over to Elijah who was working with Hope trying to do a locator spell on Hayley.

"Yah I'm still not clear on that?" Caroline asked, walking up.

"To be honest, I'm not either but, according to Katherine Pierce, my brother had a relationship with her six years ago. He had to come to New Orleans to help Nik, and he went to tell Elena that he was leaving. Well he thought he told Elena, but he told Katherine." Rebekah explained.

"So, what does this have to do with Hayley?" Stefan asked, the last time he had met Hayley she seemed like an alright person.

"The little wolf seems to have it in her head, that if she gets rid of Elena my dear brother will get over his funk and then he will come back to her." Klaus scoffed.

"Alright the locator spell did nothing. That means she either has a witch with her, or she is in a place where magic does not work." Elijah came up, everyone stared at him, "What?" He asked.

Caroline was the first to snap out of it and went and gave him a hug, Elijah looked scared and awkwardly patted her back. Klaus and Damon snickered a little, until they saw the look on Elijah's face, and they had to bite down on their bottom lip to keep from bursting out laughing.

"So here is plan B." Bonnie announced. "You are all vampires, use your speed to check every building, tunnel, or ruin until you find her."

They all nodded, and set off to do their different tasks.


Elena panted, finally able to breath. Hayley forced her to drink vervain water, it stung worse than the dagger that was wedged in her side. Silent tears were streaming down her cheeks, as she screamed in pain, when Hayley opened the window behind her. Having had her daylight ring removed, her skin just about burst into flames every other hour. There was a knock at the door, and Hayley went over to it and opened it a crack, smiled and a tall African American man walked in.

"Wh...Who are you?" Elena chocked out.

"I'm Vincent Griffith, and well I am going to help Hayley." Vincent stated plainly.

"I--But you seem like a good man, why help her." Elena began to tremble, for she could hear his heart beating, which meant he was either a witch or a werewolf. Either way she was screwed.

"Because I want revenge against the Mikaelsons, see they made the vow 'Always and Forever', and if one suffers, they all suffer. You Ms. Gilbert are the key to Elijah Mikaelson's downfall, and without him to hold the others together, us witches will be able to finish off the Mikaelsons once and for all." Vincent explained.

"Wh...what are going to to me?" Elena trembled, Hayley grinned at the scene.

"Relax this will just make you fall asleep long enough for us to stake you."

"Please don't" Elena pulled at her wrist restraints, "HELP!!!" she started screaming.

Her world began to go dark when the door was blown off it's hinges, both Hayley and Vincent turned around. Everything went dark.


Elijah and the others heard the screams from miles back, but when they finally reached the old ruin, the only ones there were Hayley and Vincent. Both were knocked out. Bonnie surveyed the room, she saw blood on the walls, vervain ropes broken and on the floor, and daggers in the wall.

Elijah bent down by Vincent and shook him roughly, he finally woke up and looked around for a minute freaked out. Elijah gave him a sickly sweet smile, and Vincent looked at the ground. Hayley woke up shortly after.

"Where. Is. She?" Elijah hissed at her.

"I don't--Elijah?!" Hayley said relieved, until her memory of the last day came back to her, she then began to back towards the wall.

"I'll ask again." Rebekah speed in front of Hayley, grabbing her neck and holding her against the wall. "Where is she?"

"We don't have her..." Vincent started, until Klaus gave him a pointed look. "Well, we don't have her anymore."

"Do you know who took her?" Elijah asked, Rebekah still didn't let Hayley down.

"Some guy never seen him before in my life. He was probably around 17, and he was a witch, I think?" Vincent explained.

"What do you mean 'you think'" Damon spat beginning to lose patience.

"He. was. a. siphon." Hayley chocked out.

"I will spare your life because you are the mother of my niece, and only for that." Elijah said, and Rebekah then shoved her to the ground.

"Kai. Dammit!!" Damon threw the chair into the wall.

"Who?" Rebekah asked.

"He was a siphon Bon and I met in the prison world." He looked at the originals, "Long story."

"Short story, he is a psychotic murder who wants nothing more than to hurt Damon for leaving him in the prison world." Bonnie continued.

"And last time the three of us sat down for tea, I was madly in love with Elena." Damon finished.

"So he took her, to get back at you." Elijah finished, even though he wasn't asking a question.

"Exactly." Damon answered.

"Alright now we really need to find her." Caroline commanded.


Elena's eyes shot open and she looked around frantically. The grill? How the hell was she at the grill?

"Hello Elena." She groaned, that voice, she thought she never have to hear it again, she couldn't seem to catch a break today.

Elena turned around, and saw Kai standing there with a wicked grin on his face, were was Bonnie when you needed her.

"We are going to have some fun." Kai began.

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