Neil Perry

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I was going to a new school.. but that's only because I'm family friends with one of the teachers.

I will be attending Welton, or also known as Hell-ton. This school is an all boys school. And has been for years. But since my family's friend, Mr. Keating not only attended there, but works there, they made an exception.

Today is the first day of school. My parents are driving while I'm listening to music on my cassette player. The drive is about 20 mins. So it's not bad.

We pull into the driveway and all I see are a ton of boys from ages 7-18.

"Ok honey. We are here!" Says my dad, trying to be enthusiastic.

"Yay" I try to sound as sarcastic as possible so they can reconsider and take me out of here by next week.

My mom and dad get out of the car and start to unload the trunk. I didn't bring much since all I had to bring were toilet trees, pajamas, and bed sheets. Obviously the school supplies as well.

As we walk into the school, we spot Mr. Keating. He comes over and gives us all hugs.

"I am so excited that you're here! This year will be great." He says with complete enthusiasm. I try my best to hide the fact that I don't want to be here. Which fails because he can point out every little detail there is to a humans emotions.

After a long welcoming ceremony, We are finally allowed to go to our rooms.

"224....224" Mumbles my dad as he carried down my suitcase and bags.

"Ah, here it is" he says opening the door. Once we walk in we start to unpack everything. I put away my clothes into the dresser that is given to us. Then I set up all of my toilet trees on the top.

"Ok we better get going sweetheart. We love you. Call us if you need anything" says my mother while she looks at her watch.

"Ok. I'll see you guys later. Love you too" I respond, not wanting them to leave.

About 10 mins. later I hear a faint knock on my door.

"Ugh who would want to talk to me" I mumble under my breath, annoyed.
I open it up and see 3 handsome boys surrounding my door frame.

"Hi, you must be the girl who's attending here" says one of the tall, thin boys.

"Uh yeah. My name's y/n." I respond, not really knowing what to do or say.

"Well, I'm Neil Perry," he says extending his hand to shake it. I of course return the favor. "This is Charlie Dalton and Knox Overstreet. We live on this floor. Just wanted to say welcome to Hell-ton." Says the boy who goes by Neil.

"Well, thank you."

"So uh how did you get in here? Considering you're a girl in an all boys school" says I think Knox.

"I know one of the teachers here. He's been a family friend for as long as I can remember."

"Cool. Well see you around" says Charlie, ending it with a wink. I can't help but blush since I've never gotten attention from boys before. As the boys start to leave Neil turns around and starts back to my door.

"Oh forgot to tell you. If you need anything, or have any questions about Hell-ton, I'm right across the hall." He says pointing to the door that stands across the hall with a smile.

"Thank you"

He turns back around and disappears into a room down the hall with some other boys. I don't think this year will be bad after all.


Hey! This is my first imagine!
If you have any requests, comment or dm me 😋

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