Steven Meeks *requested*

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For HannahPeace187

Today I was visiting my cousin Todd at his school. He attends an all boys private school called Welton.

He's practically my brother and I ahvemt seen him in MONTHS. So since I'm in town, I decided to visit him.

I walk into the main office and see this REALLY cute redhead. He has a round face, and glasses.

"What could I help you with?" Asked a middle aged man sitting at a desk.

"Hi, I'm Hannah. I'm here to see Todd Anderson" I say informing the man. He pulled out a few papers. I'm guessing it's to see what class he's in.

"He's in room 218. About to go to 205." The man said writing it down on a piece of paper. I said thank you and took the paper from him. When I turned around I was greeted by the amazingly cute boy.

"Hi, I'm Steven but people call me meeks. I have the next class with Todd. I can walk you there if you want" he said with a smile. I could feel a blush creeping up on my cheeks.

"Yeah that would be great" I replied with a small smile. Todd and I are kind of shy people. Except for when were together. We are LOUD.

We walked outside of the office after the hall was clear from all the boys rushing to get to class and started our way towards the stairs.

"So, how do you know Todd?" Meeks asked with curiosity.

"He's my cousin. We're really close but I haven't been able to see him in 8 months because I was studying abroad in London." I replied throwing my long light brown hair up in a bun.

"Cool! I've always wanted to go there" he said. We talked about London for a little bit until we got to the second floor.

"How old are you? I'm 17" he said.

"I'm 16. A year younger than Todd." I replied, giving him a small smile before seeing meeks stopping infront of a classroom door.

"This is Mr. Keatings class. He's the ELA teacher. He's very cool, but teaches differently than the other teachers. Just thought I'd give you a heads up" he stated before openeding the door and walking inside.

"Steven, what was your previous destin- who is this lovely lady with you?" Said Mr. Keating with his voice booking of kindness and excitement.

After he clearly said I was a girl, the whole class looked at me. I looked around to find Todd. I looked towards the other side of the class and .Ade eye contact with him.

"HANNAH" Yelled Todd before jumping up out of his seat.

"TODD" I yelled back before running over to him. We practically jumped into each other's arms.

"I missed you so much. How was London?" He asked.

"Good. Boring without you, but it was good." I replied. I could see him looking around the class. I turned around too to see the whole class just staring at us.

"Mr. Anderson, care to introduce us?" Mr. Keating asked.

"Oh. This is my cousin Hannah." He said, regaing his nervous aspect. It's so funny how when he talks to people other than me.

The whole class said hello. Mr. Keating went into the back and got me a chair. I thanked him then looked around for meeks. When I spotted him, I saw him already looking at me. I smiled at him, causing him to smile back.

At the end of class, Todd said goodbye because he had to get to Weltons lunch. I made my way over to meeks once most of the boys had left.

"Do you want me to bring you back to the office?" He asked. I nodded in response. He lead the way to the main office.

"Meeks, I was wondering if you would want to go out sometime?" I asked, somehow not being shy anymore.

"I was just about to ask you the same thing. I would love to" he said with a wide smile. I gave him a hug before leaving Welton.

I was sad because I had to leave Todd, but him going to school here only gave me a reason to see not only him, but Meeks.

I hope you liked it :)
Comment if you would want to request a personal story and just a topic and a character.

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