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Day after the moon eclipse

Marcel Gerard's house

"So far, Davina has overriden all our plans. The hunter, nor the doppelganger can't be touched anymore."- Gerard said to his witch.

"I have underestamated the little witch. And she is now completely inclined to the Mikaelsons."- Aya said-"what is they have on her? It can't be for the young hunter and the doppelganger's love for Elijah."

"You know how convincing the Mikaelsons can be."- Marcel said.

"Yes. But there is something more behind this. Someone  is behind this, using her as the instrument. It is impossible that she can wield such dark magic so easily and with such great knowledge. She can have great powers, but she can't be that experienced."- the witch said.

"You still don't know who took Elijah?"- Marcel asked.

"No. But whoever did used the blackest magic out there, must have the powers of the Original covens."

"Find out!"- Marcel said-"I want them gone! Dead!"- Marcel sifted angrily.

"What are you going to do about Hayley and her pending marriage to the Crescent Alpha?"

"Nothing. We might need the wolves  against the Mikaelsons, especially if she gets the powers of her magical ancestor."

"She might double-cross you. She is a wolf first. And you used the curse on her husband-to-be."

"That is why we play all of them."- Marcel said-"Keep your friends close and your enemies even closer."- Marcel said.

In Dahlonega, Georgia

Elena walked down the bedroom talking on the phone with Caroline-

"This weekend has been nothing but amazing- yes, I talked to Jeremy and Davina."

"Did you get the invitation to the wolf wedding? I have just done some shopping and I am still not sure what I am going to wear

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"Did you get the invitation to the wolf wedding? I have just done some shopping and I am still not sure what I am going to wear. The strangest thing is that she has invited me. But I don't have a +1."

"Invitation?"- Elena said.

"Hayley's wedding. Wait a minute? You didn't get it?"

"Yes, we did."- Elena replied.

"Right. She-wolf is making a big deal out of it. Davina thinks that there is more to just strengthening the wolves of the Bayou."- Caroline said.

"Wouldn't surprise me."- Elena said.

"Something doesn't seem to be right."- Caroline added-"Oh! Can't believe this. Later."- Caroline said abruptly cutting the call off.

"- Caroline said abruptly cutting the call off

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I don't believe in Love, ElenaWhere stories live. Discover now