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Elena inhaled deeply as she flashed back as she entered the Mikaelson house looking for Elijah.

Elena inhaled deeply as she flashed back as she entered the Mikaelson house looking for Elijah

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Elena now turned to her friends, and asked Davina to repeat what she had said.

"The wedding doesn't break the dark magic hold until the light and the dark - you know- till you - are actually joined together- ahm- until  the marriage is consumed ."- Davina now  repeated after she once again looked at the ancient text once again.

Elena sighed again. "So, there is no other way? We actually have to sleep together?"

"I told you that." Davina shrugged with her shoulders.

"Right."- Elena said.

"I really don't get it," Caroline said,"you two were so - into each other at the ceremony- I saw it. Why would he sleep with Hayley?  I really don't get it-"

"Because he - actually wants her." Elena said shaking her head now, feeling her stomach turn.

"Can you do a potion or something- so they just - do it- or make this bond thing like she had with Damon and - you know?" Caroline now suggested.

"Care!" Elena shot a hellish look at her friend.

"What? I just wanted to help."

"This is not helping! I am not having him - us spelled- so we can do it. Huh- I thought the nightmare was over."

Elena now all worked up took off. She needed to be by herself and let out steam.

Caroline now sighed a little.

"The wedding and everything seemed to be going great. Jeremy woke up. And - they seemed ok. I bet someone is doing this. I saw them, when we got back from the wedding ceremony. They looked at one another like real newlyweds. And you said that there was no magic bond thing?!"

"No. We can't force anyone to love. There is no love potion." Davina said.

"You say that there is no love potion, but so far, magic keeps messing things up. It's kinda contradictory." Caroline said.

"I know. I checked over and over again if there is some other dark magic being channeled."

"I really need Bonnie now." Caroline thought. She now turned to Davina."I will go check on Elena. Make sure she doesn't feed or kill any humans."

The witch now left the house as well.

💘 Later that evening

"Ah, good evening Mr Mikaelson." Elena said as Elijah entered the house, holding a glass of Bourbon.

She swished to the bar and now poured him a glass bringing it over to him.

"Let's toast to - us. Mr and Mrs Mikaelson. We never toasted to our - marriage thing."

"You are drunk, Elena

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"You are drunk, Elena." Elijah now said.

"Yeah, a bit. So? Can't I have a day off? I've been nothing but good. Are you going to refuse me? - A drink with me - your wife. Magical marriage- real marriage. They say it's a marriage. So, let's toast to the marriage."

Elijah now took the drink and indulged her.

They clinked with the glasses and Elena smiled marrily. "To us!"

Elijah took a sip and then put the glass aside.

Elena now swooped closer to the Original,  her face half an inch from his, her eyes piercing into his slipping in half-breath-

"Kiss me!"

He looked back at her and sigheda little-

His hands buried now in her hair.

"Elena-"-His hands buried now in her hair

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But then he stepped back from her.

Elena clenched her fists infuriated and somewhat frustrated."What? Why won't you kiss me? Come on, pretend I am Katherine- or Hayley- whatever you want- let's just do this - it's only sex- we don't have to feel anything. Look at me! Don't I do it for you!"

Elena now ripped her clothes off, standing in front of him naked.

Elijah now got the blanket and wrapped it around her.

"Why don't you love me?" Elena slipped in a whisper and now kissed him.

"Why don't you love me?" Elena slipped in a whisper and now kissed him

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In Josephine LaRue's House

"It's working like a charm," Hayley said to the witch,"here is what you asked for."

The hybrid gave the witch Hope Mikaelson's blood.

"I have told you that the little Devearaux witch has not got that much knowledge of the dark magic. Elijah Mikaelson is bonded to you."

I don't believe in Love, ElenaWhere stories live. Discover now