Chapter 4: A Stark?

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Peter could still barely process anything as Tony led him to what seemed to him another living room but was actually a bedroom. The walls were a simply white tan color and huge windows looked over the city with a bathroom included into his room along with a walk in closet. But the bed was what caught his attention first. It was a king sized bed loaded with fluffy looking pillows. He couldn't help but stare at everything in the room. The dresser was a dark oak color along with a matching desk with a swivel chair and a Stark computer. He was to shocked to even speak. "Kid? Hey kid?" Tony snaps a finger in front of his face drawing him out of his daze.


Tony walks over to the dark oak door, "Here's the bathroom, I'll try and find you some clothes to borrow once you're done."

That's when Peter finally realizes what he's been wearing the entire time. He was in what looked to be doctor scrubs. The color was blinding and he quickly rushed into the dazzling bathroom and took a beeline to the shower, eager to get out of the very now uncomfortable clothes. As the warm water hits his singed back his mind forcibly takes him back to what occurred last night. He couldn't help the whimper that escaped his mouth. The blood. His aunt May. All their belongings, their memories, the pieces that they had kept of their broken family. The fact that he would no longer hear her laughter or see her smile, or the sound of the fire alarm going off every five seconds as she tries to cook for them. He barely noticed the tears coming down his face until he had curled in on himself. The water beating down on him the only thing keeping him from completely reliving the memory. Peter sobbed, letting the pain take over him once more. He simply sat there, his heart beaten to nothing but shattered pieces. The familiar feeling of a panic attack crept up on him but he couldn't stop his breathing, the pain was so much for him.


"Yes, Friday?"

"It would appear that Peter is having a panic attack." Without even hearing another word from his AI he found himself already in front of the bathroom door, he could hear the water running and he fought down running for Bruce for help. He swallowed his fear and opened the door, grabbing a towel in the process. Tony slowly approached the shower where he found Peter once again curled in on himself, the water simply running down him. Without thinking he was sitting next to Peter his hand once again rubbing circles on the boys back. He could feel the boys fast beating heart and he tried his best to bring him back to reality.

"Hey Pete? Pete? Hey it's gonna be okay but I need you to slow down your breathing alright? Come on," he was hugging the boy now not caring that his suit was now getting drenched from the shower head, "Come on Pete, it's real easy. Just follow me okay? In and out. Come on you gotta slow your breathing for me Pete." By now Tony was holding the boy in his lap facing him, "Come on Pete just follow my pace, in and out. In and out," slowly but surely he felt his heart rate slowly slow, his sobbing began to turn into sniffles as his eyes cleared of the sadness. Slowly coming back to his senses he looks up at Tony, confusion in his eyes. Tony quickly turns away and holds the towel out for the boy, the blush clear on his face. It takes a moment for Peter to process where he was and what he is not wearing and he quickly jumps up wrapping the towel around himself before standing there as red as a tomato. Tony slowly gets up, a slight pain in his back as he puts his hand on Peter's shoulder, giving him a reassuring squeeze before he quickly leaves the bathroom, never once looking at Peter. Peter was still processing what had all happened as he stood there with his head once again in his hands. His blush only deepens. Trying his hardest to try and forget about the embarrassment he is now feeling he quickly goes about dressing himself in the clothes Tony left on the sink. Refusing to look at his own reflection he goes about drying his hair and combing out the knots. How the Hell is he going to face him after that embarrassing moment? 

Peter slowly opened his bedroom door and saw his old ratty converse sitting in front of the door along with a pair of white socks. He quickly slides his shoes on and heads back to what he believes to be the living room. Tony had already changed and his hair was already dry, he was putting on his shoes and slipping on a jacket when he noticed Peter standing there awkwardly. "You gonna stand there all day?" By now Tony had already made his way to the elevator and was holding the door open for him.

"Oh um..coming," he quickly walked over to the elevator and simply stood there in silence, his eyes never leaving the floor, the blush still plain on his cheeks. Tony sighs and drags his hand down his face.

"Next time I'll make sure to send Bruce in for you, I just panicked when Friday told me you were having a panic attack..." His sudden outburst startled Peter, why was he so jumpy today?

"No, no..It's okay really Mr.Stark it's just- embarrassing for me.."

"Nothing embarrassing about having panic attacks, you'd be surprised how many of us actually have those."

"Oh," Peter simply nodded his head and once again silence over took them until the elevator dinged and Tony was walking briskly through a garage filled with every exotic car imaginable. He couldn't help but stop and stare. 

"Kid you coming?" Tony was already sliding into a sleek silver Audi and had the engine running before Peter worked up the courage to even touch the car. The smooth leather was more comfortable than his twin bed and the way he sunk into; he could find himself sleeping in this car with how comfortable it was. Before he knew it a small smile had snuck onto his face as he enjoyed the comfiness of the seat. Tony couldn't help but smile himself as he saw the kid finally relax. But it didn't take them long to pull up to the most expensive mall Peter had ever been too. He couldn't help but stand there in amazement, his mind finally accepting that this was his life now. He was living in the tower with the Avengers and his legal guardians were now Iron Man and Pepper. How had his life taken such a drastic turn?

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