Chapter 7: A Problem

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Peter wasn't really thinking when he slipped on his patched up suit. All he knew is that he needed fresh air. With his stomach full the pain was coming back to him. The delicious food had distracted his mind from the pain heavy in his heart. As he slipped on his mask he went about opening one of the big windows in his room and was already swinging off into the city. The cool morning air helped clear some of his mind as he swung about in the city. He wasn't sure where he was going but the distraction was nice. Before he knew it he had scaled one of the skyscrapers and was simply enjoying the view of the sun slowly peaking over the city. He sat there, his legs dangling over the edge as he slowly swung them back and forth. Peter could see almost the whole city up on the skyscraper and he felt some of his pain ease as the beauty distracted him. The sky was a kaleidoscope of color, orange, yellow, red and a hazy pink reaching towards the clouds. Just as he was about to relax he felt a tingle in the back of his head. He quickly turned, now crouching on the ledge. He was being ridiculous, right? How could someone possibly be this high up as well? But his spidey sense had never failed him so he followed his instinct without questioning it. His sense screamed to jump so he did. That was when a sharp looking object pierced where he had just been. It looked like a strange tranquilizer dart. Without thinking he was already swinging down towards the rooftops. He still couldn't see his attacker but he knew he was being followed. His senses told him so. Swiftly landing on a rooftop with plenty of AC units he hid, scanning for the person who was shooting at him. But still he saw nothing, he heard nothing. Should he head back to the tower? No. He quickly thought. Working up his courage Peter jumped high into the air and quickly searched the rooftop, that was when another dart whizzed past him. Where was this person shooting from?! There was no one on the rooftop with him. Where they shooting from a different building? The dart had come somewhere from his right so that's where he swung too, scanning every roof as he swung by. There. He saw a flash and quickly ducked under the next dart. The person was shooting at him with a scoped weapon. He moved quickly closing in the distance between him and the mystery person. Just as the person came into view his senses screamed. Peter turned but moved too late as he was tackled on a rooftop, his web missing the building he was trying to swing to. The person that had tackled him worked fast and was already throwing punches at his face but Peter dodged swiftly. Putting his hands behind his head he pushed up and threw his waist up knocking the person off of him. Peter quickly went on the offensive and was shooting web after web at him. But the man dodged them easily and threw a kick at him. Peter blocked and went in for an uppercut only for the person to move their head back. As Peter went about fighting the masked man in front of him he totally forgot about the man on the rooftop behind him until his senses screamed to jump. But the man in front of him was waiting for him to begin to jump and he grabbed Peter's waist yanking him from the air and the dart sunk into his back. He let out a slight yelp. Peter could already feel himself weakening from the effects of the dart. But still he fought. He broke free from the mans grasp and tried to swing away but his vision was bleary now. The world seemed to be swaying and tilting. The last thing Peter remembered was shooting his web randomly and knowing that he had been caught by these people when it never reached its mark.

Tony still laid asleep on the island when suddenly Friday woke him up. "Sir it would seem that Peter has been knocked out." Tony nearly fell from his stool from the sudden noise. He groaned and lifted his head trying to shake the sleepiness from himself. The clock read 4:33. 

He rubbed his temples with his fingers, "What was that Friday?"

"Peter has been knocked out sir."

"Knocked out? Knocked out where? How did someone even knock him out?"

"His AI tells me that he was injected with some type of tranquilizer."

"Wait someone shot him?" Now Tony was fully awake, he was already in the process of letting the nanobots put on his suit. 

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