Chapter 13: A Stranger

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They were falling. Peter didn't know how they had busted through the window but they did and now they were falling, fast. He was trying desperately to get the black monster off of him but he continued to punch and grab a hold of him. Sure, maybe this thing could survive a fall like this but Peter couldn't. He was trying his hardest to wrestle free his arms but the monster had a vise like grip on them. Even after Peter delivered kick after kick on the monster it never loosened it's grip, not even a little. The tingling sensation in his head was growing louder and stronger and he knew he needed to do something before he was splattered on the concrete. In desperation he begins firing web after web hoping to hit something, anything to slow or stop his descent. Just as he thought this was how he was going to die his web suddenly tightened and stopped him from being a red and blue mess on the street below. The sudden stop tore the monster's grip from him and it continued to fall. It's screech still ringing in his ears. He sighs and relaxes into his web. Had he won? Was it over? Slowly he forced himself to look down only to feel his stomach do a somersault. The monster was fine, it had mimicked what Peter had done. Flinging a web like rope from its wrist and sticking it to the Tower's side. But it didn't stop there, the beast looked right up at Peter and began to climb up the Tower's side straight towards him. It took Peter a few seconds to get his fear ridden body to move on his command but soon he was flinging and climbing up the Tower. As much as he wanted to run from the monster he knew it would find him. After all it had found him all the way in New York; he knew he couldn't hide from it, there was something in his blood that let the monster track him and that, that scared him. The fear that had been on Tony's face, the way he stayed up all night to try and find a way to get this stuff out of him. He knows he's the reason they go on missions every morning. They were looking for this monster but the monster had found him instead, when he was all alone. Peter quickly shakes his head to clear away the invading and paralyzing thoughts, after all, hadn't he wanted the creature to find him? So he could face him and beat him? But yet as Peter continued to fling himself up the building away from the monster chasing him all he felt was fear. He had no idea where the others were and Karen wasn't responding to him. He truly was all alone with this and that was what caused him to slow his ascent, to stutter in his step and suddenly he was falling again. The monster lept straight at him and ripped him from the side of the building. Peter couldn't help the scream that escaped his mouth as Peter's momentum caused them tumbling through a window and straight into the building again. He could feel the glass biting in him but he ignored it as he scrambled to his feet and stared down the monster. It's tentacles were flinging about again, its long tongue hanging from its mouth, those sharp pointed teeth smiling right at him. "What's wrong spider? All tuckered out?" It clicks its teeth together as if disappointed in him, "I expected more of a fight," it takes a few steps towards him, "But then again, had it ever been a fair fight? After all you have something of mine that would love to come back home," and it smiles again right at him.


The monster takes another step towards him causing Peter to once again step backwards, only to realize that his back has hit a wall. He's trapped. "Then again something of ours was both taken from us without our permission," the beast growls under his breath remembering the prodding and poking of needles but its attention quickly focuses on Peter again. "But if that man hadn't of done that I wouldn't have found such a compatible host," and it smiles, the tentacles going even wilder from his back. "But this one," it looks down at itself in disgust, "this host is weak and feeble. It disgusts me just to me a part of it," it's gaze pierces into Peter again, "But you. You would be the perfect Host. We would be unstoppable. Unbeatable." The tentacles are getting closer and closer to Peter. "The power that you have," it licks its mouth, "my species would never have to worry again.." and with that said the monster charged. Peter, having no where to go stood his ground and tried his beast to fend off the onslaught that was being thrown at him. It was difficult, to say the least. Every kick or punch he landed on the monster would result in the black ooze tugging at him, crawling up his limbs and body. The beast only laughed as Peter dodged and punched away every tentacle the monster threw at him. But his punches were doing nothing, the black ooze continued to crawl and stick to him. By now the beast was right in front of him as he tried desperately to rip and tear the black ooze off of him that was slowly trailing up his body. "Come now, it won't even hurt.." and that was when the beast fully detached itself from the man he had fought earlier and attached itself onto Peter. The boy was frantic now trying his hardest to rip and tear himself free but the monster only laughed harder at his attempts. The last thing Peter saw before the darkness over took him was a flash of metal and then everything went silent.

All Tony could think was the worst. Pepper had called frantic saying how the Tower had been broken into and that she had no way of reaching Peter. But one thing was clear, they needed to get back there immediately. The millionaire couldn't help tapping his foot up and down in his armor as he impatiently waited for Steve to fly them back to the Tower. He felt like he could fly there faster in his suit but the team, mostly Steve, told him it would be better to arrive as a team. He also said that the quinjet was way faster than his suit. Tony wanted to argue but he was to stressed to argue. So he sat there in total silence along with the rest of the team. They were all on edge just like him. Natasha couldn't seem to find a comfy position to sit in as she crossed her legs, uncrossed them and continuously fidgeted in her seat. Clint wouldn't stop checking and sharping his arrows every five seconds and even Bruce kept fidgeting with his hands. The only one to actually look calm was Thor, he had just recently came back from space and joined them on their latest missions. Thor simply stood by his seat a determined scowl on his face. "Guys we're here." The minute Steve spoke the whole team was on their feet and looking out the windshield. What they saw shocked them into silence. The Tower looked like a mess, the first and second floor windows were all blown out and there was smoke coming from one of the middle floors. But what caught everyone's attention was what was going on in the 27th floor. The beast Venom was there and the Avengers watched helplessly as Peter tried his hardest to fight off the beast. No one spoke, but they all moved in sync. Natasha took over keeping the jet in a hover and Steve and Tony were already jumping towards Venom. Tony took Steve's hands and threw him straight towards the black mass. Before Steve even broke through the window his shield was already spinning right towards the beast. 

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