Chapter 10: A Compromise

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Steve placed Peter on the sofa in the living room receiving a confused glance from Tony. Steve just continued to make sure Peter was comfortable until he met his gaze, he simply shrugged, "Trust me. If you put him back in his room you're gonna be needing a new door," This only caused Tony to raise one of his eyebrows, his armor already back in his triangle, "Bucky and I had trouble just getting him off the wall. Well, to be honest, we'd probably still be down there if you hadn't knocked him out. The kids extremely strong." 

This caused Tony to sigh as he sat down next to where Peter was now laying down. He dragged a hand down his face, exhaustion clear on his face, "The minute I give him freedom he's off to fight that thing," Now his head were in both of his hands, "We don't even know what they all did to him down there.." He sighs, burying his head in his hands even further. "What are we gonna do..?" His voice came out extremely muffled but Steve heard him nonetheless.

The solider went about making himself comfortable as well and sat by Peter's head. He wasn't sure what to do with his hands so he went with casually crossing them by his chest, "I think the first action to take is let the kid breathe. No locking him in his room-"

Tony's head whipped up, "How else am I supposed to keep him safe? We don't even know what those people wanted with him! I know Peter and I know he'll sneak off and jump head first down this rabbit hole without telling any of us!" Tony sighs again in frustration, "The kid thinks he needs to prove himself or something, or maybe he's just distracting himself, I don't know. All I know is that we can't let him out there."

Steve's gaze softens as he sees the worry clear on the genius's face. "We could take turns watching him. That's better than being locked in the same room for days right?"

Tony rubs his forehead and his gaze lingers on Peter's face. Had he always been that pale? He sighs in defeat and puts both of his hands up in defeat, "Fine, have it your way Capsicle. But someone's watching him 24/7," he points a finger threatening at the solider, "You got that?"

Steve couldn't help the small grin that crept on his face at how protective Tony has gotten within just a few days, "Roger that captain," and he mockingly salutes Tony chuckling and goes about finding something to watch on TV. Tony simply rolls his eyes and crosses his arms finally relaxing into the couch. Now all they had to do was wait for the kid to wake up. 

There were no dreams, there was nothing. Peter was simply standing in darkness but yet his spidey sense was going crazy. His hair was standing on ends and everything inside of him screamed to get away, to run. But he couldn't move, he couldn't see, all he felt was something staring at him. And it wasn't a good kind of stare, it was the kind of stare that set people running for the hills. It sent shivers down his entire body. Peter began to sweat as the shadows seemed to move and form in front of him. Before he knew it a face was staring straight at him, big white spots hiding those red slitted eyes and that big toothy mouth. It smirked and opened it's humongous mouth to reveal it's long and slimy tongue. "We are Venom.." and with the demonic voice echoing around him the face lunged at him.

Peter literally sprung awake. His heart nearly jumping out of his rib cage, sweat plastering his hair to his face. Once again he found himself on the ceiling, his limbs trembling. His eyes were glossy looking, almost like he wasn't fully awake yet. Both Steve and Tony looked up at him from where they had jumped out of their seats. "Peter..?" Tony hesitantly walked over to where Peter was stuck to the ceiling, his breathes were coming in huffs and Tony knew he was having another panic attack. "Hey Pete," he slowly raised his hand and touched Peter's clammy and shivering hand, "Pete we're right here. Can you come down for us?" By now Steve was reaching for Peter as well. He was trying to slowly un-stick one of his hands from the ceiling. Peter's eyes just continued to jut back and forth, the glazed over look still there. The poor boy was literally shaking, the fear and panic were clear as day on his face."Pete? Can you hear us?" Steve could hear panic creeping into Tony's voice. "Kid please.."

"Do you require assistance, Mr. Stark?"

Vision's sudden voice had them both almost jumping to the ceiling as well, Tony had a hand on his heart as he gestured to Peter on the ceiling, "A little help would be nice." The android simply nodded and fazed into the ceiling momentarily coming back down with a shaking Peter in his arms.

"Young Peter seems to be in.." he tilted his head, "Something is talking to him. No." He closed his eyes focusing even harder, "This creature is trying to locate him."

Both Steve and Tony whipped around to look at the whimpering boy in Vision's arms. "Locate?!" Tony nearly screamed the word. "How-what.? How is it even talking to him..?"

"There seems to be a part of the creature in his blood sir. The creature is trying to use that."

"Wait that black stuff is that monster?!" Now Tony was yelling, it wouldn't surprise Steve if Pepper could hear him up in the Stark headquarters.

Vision simply nodded, his grip never faltering from the boy, "My guess is is that this creature tried to," he clears his throat, "How do I say this? It tried to connect with him. To join with him in Peter's body. This creature is like a parasite." Tony's face was completely pale by now, he was sweating just as much as Peter now.

"Steve watch Peter I need to talk with Bruce immediately," and with that said Tony nearly ran to his lab, he was constantly running his hands through his hair now. 

Steve turned to Vision and took Peter from his arms, "Thank you Vision."

Vision simply nodded his head, "Any time Mr. Rogers." And with that Vision fazed back to his room which only made Steve shake his head slightly; They really needed to talk to him about the doors.

(A.N: Sorry it's shorter than usual. I'm writing this late at night and sleep is finally kicking in...)

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