Chapter 6: A New Day

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Peter couldn't help but collapse on his new bed after putting away all the clothes that Mr. Stark had bought him. He still felt a little guilty with how much he had spent on him but he promised himself to make it up to him later. Peter soon became lost in his thoughts, and add an extremely soft and comfy bed into that mix, he found himself drifting to sleep. He didn't even have a chance to change his clothes and take off his shoes until he could no longer keep his eyelids open.

Tony was down in the kitchen sipping away at either whiskey or coffee, it was hard to tell since he always drank it out of a coffee mug. The genius didn't even notice Steve approach him until he was sitting next to him, he still had a small towel underneath his head. He had just come from one of his workouts. Tony nearly choked on his drink as the super solider scared him. "Jesus Capsicle you scared me half to death," Tony leaned back on the stool a hand on his chest.

Steve simply chuckled and smiled, "Just thought I'd ask how your day went with the kid," Steve's blue eyes softened, "How's he holding up?"

Tony simply gave a weak shrug, his facial expression hard to read, it was a mix of pain, sadness, or empathy. Steve couldn't figure out which one, "I let him get a snack on our way back from getting him some clothes. The kid didn't even hesitate and he took me to this tiny bakery or corner store. I'm not entirely sure what it is," Tony stops taking another sip of his drink, "Before I knew it the shopkeeper was hugging Peter and handed him this white to go bag. I didn't think anything was wrong until he broke down crying right outside the car."

"What'd the shopkeeper give him?"

"Two donuts. One with pink frosting and one with chocolate frosting. The kid never even opened the bag, I bet you it's still sitting on his dresser," another sip. By now Steve had an elbow on the island and was resting his head on it. It was easy to tell that the soldier felt bad for the kid. He felt like he was his responsible as much as Tony's and Pepper's. "So I uh," he seems to get lost on the words, "I took the kid to Wal-mart and gave him my debit card."

Steve couldn't help but chuckle, "Tony Stark, the millionaire shopping at Wal-mart? I'd pay to see that."

Tony gave him a glare and downed the rest of his drink, "I let the kid go in by himself. I just sat in the car and waited."

Steve simply nodded his head, a smile still on his face, "Mhmm, hey isn't he hungry?" The sly grin had been replaced by a face of worry. 

Tony quickly turned around and noticed the time. It was around 6:50, now that he thought of it, had the kid eaten anything at all today? Without even discussing another word they both stood up and made their way to Peter's new room. Steve gently knocked on the door before opening the door slowly. The shopping bags were still on the ground but the kid had put all the stuff away. Seeing that he wasn't at the desk, which Tony figured he would be at, he stepped fully in the room and looked towards the bed. Peter lay on his stomach, his arm and leg slightly hanging over the bed, his shoes were still on as well. It was if he had simply flopped down and fell asleep in that position. "Should I wake him?" Whispered Tony as he turned towards Steve for guidance.

Steve slowly shook his head, "Nah, let him sleep. He had a busy day," after saying this Steve went about gently untying his shoes. Peter still wore the weathered back converse. The super solider tried his best not to rip them even more. He was having difficulty with the knots and not tearing the withered shoe laces.

Tony simply sighed rolling his eyes and took over for Steve. He easily slid the shoes off and put them over by the desk. He smirked slightly, "This why you always wore those boots?"

Steve lightly whacked his arm, "No they are just extremely comfy. You're one to talk with all those slippers of yours," Steve smiled and stood up, the shorter man standing up with him.

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