Chapter 11

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(Cheryl's POV)

Kimberley, Kimberley, Kimberley... Hmm, Justin. Asshole. Ashley. No, don't think about

I let the hot water run down my back, enveloped by the steam of me own thoughts. I can't help but think about her, how she saved us. Why she saved us. The way she is saving us. I wonder if she knows the impact she is having on me life, one smile at a time. One word at a time. One touch. Every touch. I sigh, immersing meself in the feeling of water cascading down me back, lightly massaging every part of my body. It's theraputic, in a way, washing away my sins and covering me bruises.

My thoughts turn to her again, the soft, deep tones of her voice, her gentle touch, how much she cares, her lips. God, her lips. Chez, you are going to get in serious trouble if you let yourself think of her lips one more time. I chuckle slightly at the situation at hand, as I silently reminisce. Everything in me life has been so crazy, so out of me own control, now, when things should be the most frightening and most elusive, I feel the calmest that I ever have. And it has everything to do with her...

I turn the shower off, reaching for me towel. It's at this moment that I remember all of me problems at once. Me ribs are on fire, my neck is twinging, and me reflection looks like death warmed up. I cringe and wince in pain just looking at it. What he did to me. I don't think I'll ever understand why, why he hurt us, and why he thinks he has the right to control us like this. I wish I could, but at this point, I don't know if I'll ever understand.

(Kimberley's POV)

I hear the shower turn off at exactly the same time that somebody knocks at the front door. Crap. I jump up, ready to tell Cheryl that she may need to spend a little more time hiding under the bed, but stop in my tracks when the visitor lets themselves in...

"Oi oi oi! Kimbers! Where are you babes? Nads is here too, get your butt out here!" Sarah.

I let out a breath that I wasn't even aware I was holding, and scribble out a little note to Cheryl, knowing I won't have time to go in there and tell her myself before Sarah barges in. Chez, my friends are over, do you mind staying in here for a bit while I go talk to them? Just as I am about to leave the room, Cheryl pops her head through the door and nods her ascention.

"Her girlies."

"Kim! You are here, I feel like it's been ages." Sarah runs up to me, forcing me into a bone crushing hug.

"It's only been a week Saz, geez..."

"Oi! I was worried, so was Nads. Glad you're ok though.

"Why wouldn't I be?" She looks me straight in the eye.

"Oh, I don't know, that arsehole boyfriend of yours maybe?" I hear a chuckle from behind Sarah.

"Goodness, Sarah, way to get to the point." Nadine appears from behind, pulling me into another hug.

"Jesus! Yous been on a bender or something?!" Nadine pulls away, and sees the red mark just below my eye.

"No, I just fell over, I'm not Sarah!"

"Hey! I heard that! Speaking of which, got any alcohol? Nads and I need to speak to you, and I don't particularly fancy doing it sober." She strides into the kitchen, heading straight for the alcohol.

"Should I be scared?" I ask.

"Only if you think you should be."

Nadine walks me over to the settee, sitting next to me and placing her hand on my thigh, I cringe outwardly, knowing where this is going.

"Girls, come on, do we really need to have this conversation again?"

"Yes, we do." Sarah walks towards the couch, holding a bottle of vodka and some glasses.

"God Saz, do we really need vodka?!" I say, pointing directly at the bottle in her hands.

"Relax, this is for later, I thought we could hang out. Although I could use a little right now I suppose." She pours a little into three glasses, clearing her throat.

"Now Kimbers, I think you know where this is going."

"Yeah, we just want you to listen, again." Nadine speaks up.

"So basically, what it is, you're not the same babes. We all know why, you never go a week without seeing us, we think it has something to do with -"

"What she is trying to say is we reckon you should ditch Justin." Sarah interjects, in her typical forthright manner.

"He's just, he's changed you, since he cheated. You need to get out now Kimbers."

I take a sharp intake of breath, knowing now that they are right.

"It's over." Sarah's jaw hits the floor,

"What? Hang on, you and Justin? When? How? So many questions!"

"I guess there was a side of him that I didn't know."

"What do you mean?"

"Don't worry about it..."

"Kim, we're your best friends, I think we should know... Did he cheat again?" I giggle slightly.

"I think we both know the answer to that one Nads."

"Then why now?" Sarah interrupts again, seemingly losing her already short patience.

"I don't want to talk about it ok?"

Nadine nods, but Sarah isn't having any of it.

"No Kimberley. We are your best friends for fuck sakes! Please..."

"Can we just drop it?!" I raise my voice again, I've been doing a lot of that today.

"Kimberley, I swear to god, if he hurt you we fucking want to know about it!"

Just as I am about to raise my voice again, a tiny figure bursts out from the bedroom.

"STOP! For god sakes stop!"

I freeze, Sarah mouth drops open again, Nadine gasps. Cheryl runs up and stands infront of me.

"I don't think she wants any more questions."

"Ah, you're... No. Are you?"

"Yes, I am. Now please back off."

Cheryl puffs her chest out and makes herself seem taller, standing up straight, for such a tiny woman she looks surprisingly intimidating.

"Kimberley? I think this at least deserves an explanation."

I don't pay attention to Sarah's question. Turning to face Cheryl, I take her hands in mine.

"Cheryl. Calm down babe. They're my best friends, they're entitled to know."

Although I am slightly taken aback by the gesture, I can't help but think how adorable she looked when she stormed out in a strop like that. Sarah and Nadine are still standing behind with shocked expressions on their faces.

"I'm sorry Kimba. I just, I didn't like you guys yelling."

"I know babes, but it's ok. Umm, I think we may need a bit of a formal introduction yeah? Cheryl, this is Nadine and Sarah. Girls, this is Cheryl."

Sarah doesn't make a move towards her as Nadine shakes Cheryl's hand.


"Huh? Oh right, um, hi. Wait no, I'm sorry but it's just, you're Cheryl Cole. I mean Tweedy. Ummm." I decide that Sarah doesn't deserve this, so I help her out.

"Sarah is a bit of a fan you see? Excuse her..." Sarah stands up straight, gaining her composure.

"Sorry. I'm Sarah. Oh and sorry about before, I'm not usually that full on." Cheryl chuckles.

"Neither am I. Nice to meet you Sarah."

"Likewise, I suppose we got off on the wrong foot there."

Nadine moves toward Cheryl and I, slight confusion showing on her brow.

"Sarah was right though. I think this at least deserves and explanation don't you?" I look at Cheryl, she is grimacing slightly but she nods her head.

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