Chapter 12

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"So, let me get this straight. You were out for a walk when you bumped into Cheryl, literally. She looked upset...or something. Then after you both fell over, you decided that Cheryl's cut needed inspecting, so she just...came to your house? When was this?"

Nadine questions, delving deeper after out not quite believeable cover-up.

"Just a few hours ago." Lie.

"So why are you still here? Not that I mind, or anything..."

"I'm waiting for me driver." Lie.

"And, yous are in Kim's clothes?"

Cheryl looks down at her apparel, tugging at the long sleeves covering her previously exposed wrists.

"I had to change, I didn't want to get her house wet."

Another lie. I know we had intended on telling the truth, but when I glanced over at Cheryl, I instantly knew that she wasn't strong enough to answer the inevitable questions that were to follow.

"Personally Nads, I haven't got a clue in hell why you are asking so many questions. Cheryl effin' Cole is in Kim's house! Embrace it you goon!"

Sarah clearly no longer cares about Cheryl actually got here, her sole intent now on getting everybody absolutely slaughtered, that became obvious as soon as she first opened the alcohol cupboard.

"Well, now you are here Chez, I say we drink!" Sarah exclaims.

"Oh here we go again. I'm goin' home, I can't handle this."

"No Nadine! Stay. Let's party!"

Before we can say anything, Sarah runs into the kitchen, with Nadine hot on her heels, shooting us an apologetic look as she chases after her. It may not be a bad idea to get them drunk.

"Do ya think they believed it?" Cheryl pipes up, fiddling with the top of her loose jumper, my loose jumper.

"Well, Sarah is probably already drunk so I can't speak for her, but Nadine, honestly? No. I don't think she did believe a word."

Cheryl falls backward in a huff, resting her head on the couch seat behind her.

"We'll just have to convince them then."

"Convince us what?" Nadine trudges back in, bottle in hand and eyebrow raised quizzically.

"Convince ya not to get us too drunk, me driver can't come to pick us up anymore." I secretly marvel at how quickly Cheryl comes up with a plaussable response.

"So I can't be too drunk I guess..."

"Ooh so does this mean you are staying here then?" Sarah stumbles back in, holding two bottles filled with a clear liquid triumphantly in the air.

Cheryl and I exchange a quick look, already developing a cover story, no words necessary. Cheryl clears her throat and coughs a little.

"Well, I wouldn't wanna impose..."

"Oh you wouldn't be! Would she Kimbers?"

"I'm serious, I can find me own way home." She isn't serious, but the other girls don't need to know that. I lean over and place my hand on her knee, and she catches my gaze.

"No. Honestly Cheryl, you are staying here and I'm not taking no for an answer ok?"

I wink at her, and for a brief moment she flashes another one of her dazzling smiles, the glint in her eye showing me that she is content with keeping out little secret.

For now...


"Saz, Nads, you gonna stay here girls?"

I slur, the alcohol Sarah provided having it's desired effect, for the time being, I lose my inhibitions and forget everything. Until Nadine brings me straight back down to Earth, with a crashing and a burning.

"I still wanna, umm, hear what happened with Justin."

My stomach lurches, and this time not from all the drink.

"Jesus, not now Nads. Plus, you'll forget by morning and I'll have to tell you again."

Nadine straightens up and looks me dead straight in the eye.

"Fine. But you know that I haven't forgotten." She takes a quick scan around the room and her eyes rest on Sarah's sleeping figure.

"And she isn't gonna forget either."

"Yeah right. I get it ok?"

This time it is me who looks around the room, Cheryl is sleeping on the couch, half covered in pillows and grumbling slightly. Aww how cute, she talks in her sleep. Nadine yawns and falls backward onto the ground.

"Night night. Oh and, by the way, I know that cut on your cheek isn't from 'falling over', I'm tipsy, not daft."

I nudge at her arm playfully, hoping my cool response will ease her suspicions, but she just yawns again and mumbles out.

"Don't play dumb. Goodnight."

I grumble out some profanities and drag myself over to Cheryl. Gently, I pull away the cushions covering her face and kiss her forehead, careful not to wake her. Entering my room, I strip off to my undergarments and slip between the cool, silky sheets, ready to cry the pain away. I ponder on everything that has happened over the last couple of days, and just as the first tear falls, I hear my bedroom door creak in the background. Turning, I see a small figure slumped against the door frame. It edges closer, and when the shadow disappears I see Cheryl, a dreary look in her eyes as she slides in behind me.

"Cheryl?" I sniffle out.

"Mmm, shh babe. Please don't cry..."

She moulds her body into mine, and I feel her soft, cool skin against me, clashing with the heat of my own. She blows into the back of my neck and lightly kisses my cheek, running a trail from my jaw to my eyelids. I feel myself being rolled over.

"Mm Chez, what are you doing?" She bites her lip and her eyes dart from my lips, to my eyes, and back again.

"I just wanted to make sure that you stopped crying."

She touches her finger to my cheek, wiping away my remaining tears, kissing them away, and healing me with every touch. One last tear rolls down and she catches it with her tongue, the feeling of my pain now burned into her skin.


I open my eyes and find her staring back at me. Then, ever so slowly, she inches her face closer to mine, taking one last look at my lips before capturing them with her own. And I lose myself for moments, the sweetest surrender I could ever have imagined, laced with the bitter taste of my tears on her tongue...

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