Chapter 2

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A warm blast of air hits me as I open the door to my apartment, I obviously didn't turn the heater off. Normally I would've been here about half an hour ago to turn it off, but I suppose I was out a little longer than anticipated. Usually that would bother me, but as I turn aroung I notice something that is worth bothering about, the woman I had met just over an hour ago was now facing my outside wall, a distant look in her eyes as her index finger ever so slightly caresses the paint, seemingly writing something, a word, no, two. I snap out of my daze when I see her staring at me, her head tilted to one side.

"Do you want to come in?"

Her head is down, she doesn't say anything, instead she nods, tiptoes ever so slightly through my front door, she looks like she could shatter into a million pieces at any moment.

(Cheryl's POV)

I enter her apartment. Jesus it's hot in here.

"Do you want to sit down? Have a brew maybe?"

I vaguely register somebody talking, however I don't reply, what's the use? I don't want anything at the moment, anything but normality, which at this point, nobody could offer. Me lips are sealed as she offers again, she seems nice enough, but I'm not up for talking, not yet.

She leans down in front of me, her eyes burning my skin.

"I know you don't want to talk, I do, so just listen ok?"

"You are staying here, for however long you need, you are sleeping in that room over there and you are to come straight to me whenever you need anything." She sighs.

"I'm having a cup of tea, you could use one too."

As she leaves the room I feel a pang of guilt, she probably thinks I'm a right bitch. Does it matter? I'll leave here in the morning and she'll forget all about us, if she doesn't recognize us by now then what's the use in remembering us? I don't care about impressions, I just want to be normal again, that's all. Fuck it, I may as well just leave right now, she won't realise I'm gone anyway.

I get up, as I make my way to the door I feel an incredible pain in me toe.

"Shit! Ouch! Oh! Oi!"

"Jesus! Are you ok?"

"I stubbed me little toe! It hurts!"

"You scared me then. Thought there was something seriously wrong."

"There IS something seriously wrong - me toe!"

"I'm sure it'll be okay - wait, where were you going?"

She looks panicked for a moment, but I quell her suspicions, I suppose I'll have to leave later.

"Ah, to the loo. You gonna tell us where it is?" Good cover-up, Chez.

"Just down and to the left. Don't be too long, your tea'll get cold."

"So much for that." I mumble inaudibly.

I close the door behind us and immediately somthing catches my eye, me reflection. No wonder Kimberley didn't recognize us, I look awful, I look an absolute state, and the crazy thing is, I really couldn't care, couldn't give a fcuk. The cut on me cheek is rapidly bruising, caused by the one person I never thought would hurt us, not like this.

I feel meself getting emotional at the thought, everything in me life is turned upside down, and the one person who made us feel safe, has turned us into the disheveled monster in the mirror. All I wanted was someone to talk to, a shoulder to cry on, why would he do this to us? Am I really that worthless?

"You alright in there?"

Kimberley. Why is she being so nice? I don't deserve it, clearly, after what he has done to us, I don't deserve it. I take another look in the mirror as I start to sob, praying to god she'll just leave us alone.

"I'm coming in, alright?" She won't get far, the door is locked.

"Just leave, please..."

"No. I know you don't really want to be alone, I want to help you. I know you need someone."

I reach for the door, she was right, I needed her...

(Kimberley's POV)

I watch the door handle slowly turn, the world seems to stand still in that moment. I don't know why, but I find myself needing to be in there, needing to help her, I have to. As the door finally opens she peeks her head around, avoiding eye contact, though I can tell she has been crying, as if hearing weren't enough, she looks broken.

I reach out to hug her, needing some sort of contact. She obviously feels the same way as she falls into my arms. I open my mouth to say something, I don't know what, but something. As if sensing this, she cuts me off before I can even utter any words.

"Why? Why are you bein' so nice to us? I don't deserve it Kimberley, I don't."

Once again she cuts me off before I can respond.

"Don't answer that, don't talk, just hold us. Please, just hold us..."

And so I do as she says, I hold her. We lay down, her crying uncontrollably with my hands wrapped tightly around her waist. Not a word is sounded, we just lay there, a crumpled heap on my bathroom floor.

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