Chapter 27

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It's happening again. She's by my side, writhing and thrashing against the sheets. She must be in pain. Her eyes are screwed shut and she is calling, calling for him not to hurt her. I reach out and touch her forehead, wiping away the sweat and dark hair clinging to her brow. Gently I stroke her forehead, letting her know I'm here, hoping to wake her slowly and calmly. She doesn't wake.

"Cheryl, babe..."

She moans something in reply, still tossing and turning, taking the crisp white hospital sheets with her.

"No! Please no!" She yells out, unaware that she has probably just woken up the entire building.

"No...Kimba. Kimberley help!" I sit upwards in shock as her brow furrows, her face contorting in pain one last time.

She was calling for me. She was calling for me to help her. And I can do nothing. I can do nothing but sit and watch, hoping that she wakes from her nightmare. It's much like real life. Cheryl lets out a little sigh and snuggles her head further into the pillow, seemingly content again. I wait for a while, waiting for her to lash out, to scream, waiting for her eyes to open and drown me in their sorrow. But she doesn't. She just lays there, in her own safe haven, where he can't get to her. The safe haven that I can't seem to break into.


"Ms Cole? Miss Walsh?" a man in an oversized white coat enters, frowning as he looks in my direction. I open my eyes wider, trying to make sense of where I am. White. White walls, white machines, white bed, white sheets, Cheryl. She is awake, looking down at me at the end of her bed, a cute little smile fixed on her face.

"Ehm, you have some visitors Ms Cole."

She bites her bottom lip.

"Tweedy. Me name is Tweedy." Now that's what I like to hear. The doctor frowns again,

"Yes, ah, my mistake. Right Miss Tweedy, a Miss Coyle and a Miss Harding are here to see you."

Oh god. This can't be good. Justin must have told them. I look up at Cheryl, she is grimacing slightly but doesn't seem too opposed to it.

"Err, sorry, but I really do need a response soon. Security is having a tough time holding back Miss Harding." I can't help but laugh, typical.

"I wouldn't expect anything else." Cheryl chuckles, "They can come in."

The doctor retreats from the room, sighing as he does. Sarah must have caused some trouble. I look up at Cheryl again, she smiles down at me but I can sense that she is uneasy.

"You didn't tell them, did you?" she asks. I stay silent for a moment, wanting to lie.

"I did. They know everything, Cheryl. Well, not everything, but they certainly know why I haven't been myself lately."

She exhales loudly, burying her head into the pillow.

"Great. More people who hate us."

I want to tell her that they don't hate her. I want to say that everything will be fine. But after everything I told the girls, it's safe to say they're not too fond of Cheryl any longer.

"Oi! Oi! Where are you b!tch?" Sarah breezes in, walking straight to me.

"Sarah, Sarah, always has to make an entrance."

"And you love me for it." She leans over, giving me a quick kiss on the cheek and a hug, shortly followed by Nadine. She sighs, looking around the room quickly.

"Thank god you're okay. When I first got the call from Justin my heart was in my mouth, I thought something had happened to you." Nadine states, avoiding eye contact with Cheryl. After a while it seems she can't stand the awkward silence. She moves closer to Cheryl and places her hand on the edge of the bed.

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