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EMPTINESS greeted me when I awoke. Despite the inky darkness surrounding me, I knew I was alone. I forced my body into an upright position, my body aching from laying on the lumpy mat for hours.

Apprehensively, I waited for the sound of footsteps approaching the door. They did not arrive.

Sighing, I laid back down and twirled my hair between my fingers. So many times, I had done this same thing before. I nearly hated myself for being so obedient already, but obedience had branded me long ago.

Tears welled in my eyes as I continued to ponder my situation. How had things come to this? I couldn't even remember being taken. The last thing I could remember was sitting in the corner cafe near my apartment, sipping on my go-to coffee while working on a massive research paper. Had I fallen asleep or been drugged? How could I have been so careless? I had made sure to pick an out-of-state college so he wouldn't find me.

How long could I survive in his grasp?

My mental state now was much worse than my first time here. I was ten times less hopeful of escape now than before. Of course I could try to gain his trust, but I'd rather die in this musty hell hole than take that route again. I personally preferred periodic rape to consistent fake love.

Maybe if I didn't do anything and just pretended he had no effect on me I'd be best off. No anger, no sadness, no love, just nothing. Then maybe he'd see that I was a lost cause and end it all sooner.

If only it were that easy.

Footsteps finally approached the door and I wiped my dewy eyes. The light above me hummed to life and I drew my blanket around my shoulders tightly. I didn't have to look to know that he was circling the room. To my surprise, he sat on the edge of the mattress and habitually pet my hair.

"Elysia, I've been thinking," he started, sounding far off.

"About what, Master?" I hated that word master, it made me feel like a dog.

"Our future," he paused, "Well, more specifically, our future family."


My heartbeat began to thunder. I prayed he didn't mean children.

I swallowed hard, "What were thinking, Master?"

"I was thinking you were to be wed soon. You're of age and your body is in its prime for marriage." He looked at the wall, never once glancing my way, "Maybe I could wife you to someone soon? Our family needs to grow to survive."

"Yes, Master," I reluctantly agreed to his statement. Bad feelings pooled in my stomach and I feared greatly of his plan. Luckily, I wouldn't be 'marrying' him.

"Today I'll arrange a few meetings with suitors for you. Hopefully they'll live up to our expectations. I'd hate to bring someone who didn't fit our criteria into our family," he stopped petting my head and rested his hand in his lap.

"Yes, Master."

"I'll have to dress you today, then. Hopefully your old clothing still fits you," he pulled a black satin blindfold from his pocket and motioned for me to sit up. I did so and he situated the blind fold over my eyes.

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