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CHILLS raced along my body as the man removed my blindfold. The room was damp and blank, aside from the giant camera and lights facing me.

The man walked behind the camera and began to set it up. I glanced around the room and searched for my exit. A door with several locks and bolts sat behind the camera. I sighed in defeat and looked into my lap.

Suddenly, voices began speaking and I looked around the room in complete confusion and fear. Were more men coming to hurt me?

The man chuckled at my reaction before making his way toward me. He kneeled beside me on the ground, pinched my face, and pointed it toward the camera.

"Say hi, Elysia," the man cooed before waving at the camera. Fear left me numb as I realized what was happening.

"Come on," The man lifted one of my arms up and waved it at the camera. Several snickers came from the speakers in the room. A deep voice asked if I was lame.

The man rolled his eyes, "You know how they are before you break them in." The man stood up and grabbed a handful of my hair. Immediately, I screamed in anguish as he pulled me to my feet.

"I said, say hello," His voice rattled my body and made me feel terribly small.

"Hello!" I yelled, fighting back the tears in my eyes. The man let go of me and pushed me to the ground.

"Rule number one, you will do as I say, when I say it, no questions asked. Am I clear?"

The man's gaze pierced me through his mask and I struggled to produce an answer, "Yes."

"Great," the man grabbed me, pulled me into a standing position, and bent me over, "Then we can get to work."


WARMTH tingled all over my body. Lips moved across mine and I opened my own to speak.

"Whatta you doin?"

My words ran into each other and fell apart. With all the energy in my body, I pried my eyelids open.

"Who'er you?"

Dim lighting danced across his soft face. If I didn't know him, I'd assume he was an angel to take me from this hell.

"I'm so sorry," he whispered in my ear, "I'm so so sorry."

"For what?" I tried to grab his face and put him at a distance but I found myself restrained. Exhausted, I allowed my head to fall to the side. Blurry shadows moved along the wall and I closed my eyes. Voices masked by auto tune bounced around my pounding head. I grit my teeth as the pain became close to unbearable.

"Stop," I whined, "Please stop."

I opened my eyes again and squinted against the light. The man kneeled next to me, patting my hair.

"Shh," he hushed me, "It's okay, go back to sleep."

"It hurts my head," I began to whimper, "Please make it stop."

Suddenly, a scream erupted from my lips as I felt my body being violated. Everything about it burned and my insides began to twist into hot knots. Like an animal, I writhed on the table. The man tried to contain me while the other held my hips so tightly I thought my bones might break.

"Dammit Elysia, stay still!" The man shouted, fishing a pill bottle out of his pocket. Several pills were pushed into my mouth and a giant hand clamped it closed.


The man rubbed my head soothingly, waiting for me to follow his instruction.

"It'll stop the pain."

Giving in, I swallowed the pills.

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