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A/N:  it's been a while, so I've written a larger chapter. I've struggled with the direction of this story for a while, so I'll be trying to wrap it up while pushing it in a direction that makes me happy. Hope you all enjoy!

FROZEN, I stared down the barrel of the gun. Instinctively, I slowly raised my hands over my head in surrender.

"Get away from that pig," the man snarled. I shot an apologetic glance at Jonah before scooting backward. Still, the man trained the aim of the gun on me. As the realization of death dawned upon me, tears began to roll down my face. I had had a life outside of this once. I had managed to be happy, to find purpose outside of mere survival. Suddenly I was heaving from the sobbing because I knew my existence had been nothing but pitiful misery.

The man continued staring down at me. I couldn't even look at him. He was going to murder me and I couldn't even watch.

"Tell me why I should let you live," he snarled, foaming at the mouth like an animal.

"I don't know!" I burst out between sobs, "I don't know, I'm so sorry, I just don't know!"

"So you want to die?" I could feel his amusement rising from the other end of the room. If he had come in here with the intent to kill, I'm not sure if his intent still remained.

"No, we still have a baby to raise." The man's stature shifted. Hopefully, I had made an offer he couldn't refuse. His gaze darted between myself and Jonah, causing my stomach to sicken.

"Do you know why I had you two film today?" Eyes wide, I shook my head. Intentionally, I had thought it was to display our agony, furthering our pain. But now that he had spoken on it, I couldn't bring myself to say.

"We need funds to start a family. The streams brought in money here and there, but the real cash is in auctions."

I could hear the man's voice prick up into a smile. He was planning on trafficking us.

"Master, please," desperation swelled in my chest, forcing me to speak, "I need to stay with you. Please don't send me away."

"Oh Elysia," the man cooed, stepping forward until he could cup my face in his hand, "I'd never send you away. The boy, on the other hand, would sell wonderfully."

A sick version of relief and panic washed over me. I found comfort in staying and terror in watching Jonah go.

"Now, let's tidy the two of you up. Dirty merchandise won't sell."


The man had forced me in helping him bathe Jonah, who was still incoherent for the most part. Every inch of us was scrubbed, shaved, and trimmed. The man even put rudimentary makeup on my face. I was dressed in a thin, white slip dress while Jonah wore black slacks and a white top. If the man hadn't told us, I would have thought this were a reward.

After being blindfolded we were transported to a van. The seats in the back had been stripped out so that I could hold Jonah while we traveled. His head wound had finally scabbed over, revealing a thin cut at his hairline. The man says he hit his head falling, causing the unconsciousness, but I doubt that were the case. If anything, he's been starved and had considerable blood loss from being beaten. There's no way he'll be okay soon.

The drive was supposed to be multiple hours long, so I got as comfortable as I could. A while into the drive, we stopped and picked up an extra passenger. Since the front of the van was separated from the back, I couldn't see the extra person. However, their conversation led me to believe they were another man. After watching so many trees pass by I had fallen asleep, comforted by the rocking of the van.


The loud shutter of the opening doors startled me awake. A large, unfamiliar man loomed over me, causing me to panic. As I opened my mouth to scream, he pounced on me, clamping a large hand over my mouth. As my eyes darted around I laid my gaze on the man in the mask. I reached for him, unwilling to be handled by a new tormentor. The masked man whispered something to the unfamiliar one and I was released.

"You'll come with me," he spoke into my ear before taking my hand and pulling me from the van. I looked back over my shoulder at Jonah, who being handcuffed.

I followed the man through dark hallways until we reached a small, office-like room. The room was furnished with leather couches and sleek wooden coffee tables. The people inside wore stylish clothes, expensive jewelry, and extravagant masks. In my simple dress I felt naked.

"Nightshade, we've been looking forward to meeting you!" A woman with large blonde hair and a bird-like mask approached the masked man. I watched disgustedly as she fawned over him, feeling his chest eagerly.

"Likewise, Quail," the man kissed the woman's hand. She smiled brightly before casting her gaze over me.

"Who is this?" Her smile faltered slightly, as though she were upset the man were accompanied.

"Ah, this is my darling Elysia," the man smiled, patting my head.

"Is she selling?" Another portly man with a black mask approached the group. His hungry eyes devoured my body unashamedly. I lowered my gaze and shrunk into Nightshade.

"No, she'll be accompanying me," Nightshade placed his hand on the small of my back. I was a mouse in a room of cats.

"A shame," the portly man sighed, "I've seen her work on your site."

"Yes, well, I need to get her ready. She'll be helping my other merchandise sell." Nightshade pulled me away curtly. He squeezed my hand tightly as we left the room. I nearly chased after him as we walked. Soon, we were in a large dressing room.

"Sit," Nightshade hissed, pointing at a wooden stool. Knowing his wrath well, I obeyed quickly. As soon as he had locked the door, Nightshade shouted, throwing a small trash can against the wall.

"Fuck!" He screamed, "Fucking pig!" His eyes landed on me, causing me to shrink. My heart beat rapidly and my sweaty palms left marks where I gripped the edge of my dress.

Nightshade grabbed my face, pressing our mouths together. His one hand pulled at my hair, the other gripping my throat. Between assaults he bit at my face, groaning.

"You're mine," he growled, biting my ear, "you're all fucking mine. I put that baby in your belly so you're all fucking mine. Do you understand me?"

Choking from his grip, I nodded. He smiled sadistically, "Good."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2023 ⏰

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