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SKIN-TIGHT leather straps bound my wrists to an offensive looking high chair. The man had been filming for days on end and I was beginning to lose myself.

I stared with glazed eyes into the camera. Most of my bruised body was numb with pain. I had learned to block out most of the distorted voices of our online audience, but every once in a while I heard them taking sick delight in my anguish.

"You're drooling, Elysia," the man closed my mouth for me before wiping my wet chin.

"Sorry, I'll fix it," I barely managed to mumble. All I wanted to do was sleep, God, please let me close my eyes forever.

The man rustled with something behind me before appearing before me, his hands behind his back. I looked up at him, my vision hazy.

"Open, Elysia," the man commanded and I obeyed. It was sad but it's how I survived. Although, I'm not sure why I survive anymore. I'm not sure why I play along. Maybe I fucking like it? No, I don't think I ever would.

The man stuck a rubber ball between my teeth and clasped the straps behind my head. My tangled hair caught in the straps and pulled, eliciting my whining.

Rather than taking a hint, the man merely kissed the side of my head with a simple, "I'm excited, too."

Confused, I looked around the room, terrified at whatever he had planned. The man chuckled at my response. The voices screamed with pleasure. According to their antics, I was about to have the time of my life.

The man worked behind me quickly. I could hear his feet shuffling and his humming. Occasionally, he'd tell the voices about how sweet I am or how much of a dream our lives are together. Fuck that.

Suddenly, the man grabbed my chin and yanked it upwards before pressing raging hot metal into the side of my neck. Instantly, I screamed and tears welled in my eyes. My body thrashed in the chair, each nerve in my system screaming and burning.

The man released his hold on me before grabbing what I assumed to be a wet rag and pressing it against my blistering skin. I leaned into the man's hold, looking for any ounce of comfort. Why would he burn me? I've already bled so much.

The man cradled my head and played with my matted hair while I cried audibly. The voices told the man to continue his torture, but by his silence, I could tell he was done - for now.


ROUGH hands shook me awake. I jumped, my eyes darting around the dark space. Finally, my gaze landed on the masked man, his nose inches from mine.

"You've slept for so long, Elysia," he cooed, "I was beginning to think you were dead." Chills raced down my spine. Something was very wrong.

"I-I'm sorry," I stammered. I needed to fix this before he lost his temper. Slowly, I caressed my man's face and laid gentle kisses on his jaw.

A dark laugh rumbled from him and he slapped me, sending me back onto the mattress. Holding my cheek, I looked at him with wide eyes.

"You whore," he growled.

"What?" The words escaped my lips against my better judgment.

"You cheated on me! You fucking cheated on me!" He screamed.

"No!" My voice shook with terror, "I would never!"

The man smiled sadistically, "Then who's child are you carrying?"

My heart sank. A child?

Tears welled in my eyes, "I'm pregnant?"

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