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MOMENTS passed before I fully registered the man's words.

"What?" I asked, cocking my head to the right.

"It's okay, Elysia, it's a lot to take in," the man stroked my cheek with the pads of his rough fingers. I stared at the wall, trying to process the man's words. How could he guess what had happened to me? I was pretty sure he wasn't a medical professional, considering the way he always patched me up after punishments. Slowly, I nodded my head, knowing better than to defy the man.

"Atta' girl," the man smiled and kissed the top of my head. I cringed, took a deep breath, and pointed at the sleeping boy beside me.

"Who?" My voice wavered with uncertainty. The man raised an eyebrow, a quiet warning that I had done enough talking for today. Quickly, I lowered my eyes and mumbled my apologies.

"I'll be back in a moment," the man said, before standing and exiting the room. Each lock on the door clicked loudly into place, solidifying my imprisonment. I rolled over to face the boy.

He slept soundly, his lips barely parted to allow his breath to pass through. Where had he come from? I could barely remember the previous day's events, of course, assuming I'd only been asleep for a day. Gently, I pushed his hair from his face, revealing bloody stitches along his hairline. Sickness invaded my stomach. This was my fault.

I sat up, hugging myself. Tears pricked my eyes. I had once again dragged some stranger into my mess. Suddenly, the locks on the door clicked open and I blinked my tears away.

The man appeared in the door way with a small bag in his hand. Instant concern washed over his face once he saw my red cheeks and wet eyes.

"Elysia, why are you crying?" The man rushed to my side, cupping my face with both hands.

"I'm not," I managed to stammer, trying to shake his hands off of me. Suddenly, I was sent backwards into the headboard as the man slapped me.

"Liar," he hissed, grabbing my throat. I sputtered, clawing at his hand for air. My head began to pound and my vision doubled. Black dots began to appear in my vision. Suddenly, the man let go of me and I doubled over, holding my neck and gasping for air. The man shuffled beside me, but I didn't dare look. I could hear him angrily mumbling to himself.

"Elysia! Look at me!" He screamed, inches from my face. Slowly, I lifted my gaze to meet his, terrified. The boy beside me stirred. The man glanced at the boy, an insane giggle leaving his lips.

"You wanna cry? Fine. I'll give you a reason to cry," the man growled. My stomach turned. The man reached into the small bag he had brought into the room with him and retrieved a pill bottle from inside.

"No, please," I begged as he climbed on top of me, "I'm sorry! Please don't!"

"Shut the hell up!" The man roared, popping the bottle open and pinning me down.

"W-What's going on?" The boy beside me sleepily mumbled. I looked at him, begging him silently to help me as he watched the man pry my jaw open in terror.

"H-hey! Stop hurting her!" The boy pulled at the cuffs chaining him to the headboard.

The man ignored him, fitting the opening of the bottle between my teeth. Dozens of little pills spilled into my mouth and I tried desperately to spit them out. The man clamped his hand over my lips, forcing me to swallow. With all my might, I beat the man's chest, screaming.

"You little bitch!" The man screamed, forcing my hands down, "I see you need a fucking lesson, huh?"

The man trapped my hands with one hand and began to beat me with the other. My ribs cracked loudly as he made contact with my chest, forcing me to wail in agony. The boy screamed and I heard the headboard crack loudly. Suddenly, the boy tackled the man, taking the fight to the floor. The room spun wildly as the medication began to kick in.

Breathe in. Breathe out.

Voices from the fight began to fade. I glanced over, finding the boy slumped on the floor, blood gushing from his face. He, too, had been defeated.

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