Info: 02_038_0-The_2pecies.txt

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["The Departure"--Max Richter]
[Lol good studying music, because there's a lot of info here :"D whoops]

[Different species information--not a claiming chapter yet. Feel free to ask, and if you want to add a species let me know :D And just because characters are more common in a region doesn't mean your character has to be from there! It's just where species are more common (for supernaturals).]




Supernaturals are humanoid creatures that can live and function similarly to humans (and some are turned humans); globally, some people (~12%) think that all supernaturals pose a very large danger to the galaxy (to humans), and therefore, should be eliminated.

More (~20%) believe that the rights of supernaturals should be severely limited, more than they are now.

~66% say that supernaturals are still humans, just...cursed--and that they deserve equal rights.

Supernaturals often face scrutiny, prejudice, and lack many rights that others have in certain countries/areas. Most have equal rights, thanks to big movements done in the 60's in areas of former inequality. In some parts, supernaturals are seen as superior beings.

About 35% of the galaxy's population is supernatural.

About 35% of the galaxy's population is supernatural

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[split by region, and I've put my spin on many so please don't be offended or anything lol]

[General--these species are commonly found everywhere in the galaxy.]

1. Werewolves/lycans, other were-creatures: have enhanced senses, speed, strength, and can transform into a weak version of their creature at any time—but on the full moon, they transform and have no control over it. Some species wreck havoc and are blood-thirsty; others are docile. They can 'imprint' on a mate. Pack loyalty is of the utmost importance to them, and they're very emotional, loyal, and devoted creatures. Silver burns them—silver bullets kill. They have a very tight-knit set of communities and have a network of telepathy and emotions that all members of the same pack feel. They're a common species, and are growing in number; they turn people with a scratch.

2. Vampires (aswang): are cursed humans that were bitten, drained, and returned with vampire blood. They are super-strong, super-fast, and have fangs and claws. They are immortal and cannot be killed unless they get a stake through their heart. They can turn into bats, but must have human blood constantly to continue, cannot eat garlic, cannot enter the sun without sunscreen, and cannot enter any holy places of worship. Holy water burns them. They are sneaky, sultry, and care about business. They're smart and love advancements, especially in technology. They tend to be detached and move on fast due to their immortality. They often have dark hair and always have pale skin – makeup can make them blend into the humans. They don't just drink from humans – in fact, they prefer blood of creatures that have magic, dark magic specifically (light magic is like poison to them). They can turn people into vampires—and not only humans, if the process is done right (witches and others can be turned). They cannot see their reflection well in mirrors or pictures—they're always blurred—and sunlight does give them terrible sunburns very quickly. They're allergic to garlic, but it won't kill them.

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