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You don't see color until you touch your soulmate.

3rd pov

Lance never worried about the fact that he couldn't see color. He knew one day he would. He was always so hopeful and optimistic.

Keith was never told about the fact that he couldn't see color. His father kept him hidden until he died and never told him that one day he would see colors. Keith's dad didn't believe in soulmates, even though he met his already. Keith's mom left them and his dad didn't take too kindly to that.

After Keith's dad died he started raising himself. He never went back to school in fear of people finding out that he didn't have parents. His dad left behind some money so Keith can have some to buy groceries until he was old enough to get a job.

Lance applied for jobs at random fast food restaurants and finally got accepted for one.

Lance left his mom's house and went to work. He was very confident. When he walked in he was greeted by the manager. "Hey, you must be Lance?"

"Uh, yeah. That's me!"

"Well, Lance, I'm Shiro. Let me get someone to show you around and teach you."

"Okay!" Lance stood there and watched as Shiro walked behind the counter and got someone to help Lance.

"Hey, I'm Keith." Keith said, walking up to Lance. They greeted each other and got to work.

Lance's day went by smoothly. Him and Keith got off work around the same time so Lance asked him if he wanted to hang out.

They went to a nearby park and started talking.

"So have you met your soulmate yet?" Lance asked.

Keith chuckled. "Soulmates aren't real."

"Yeah they are. Haven't your parents told you?" Lance asked.

Keith's expression changed and he looked down. "Actually my parents aren't here anymore."

"Shit, I'm sorry, man."

"Its fine. I've had time to adjust. So what were you gonna tell me? About the soulmates?" Keith asked.

"Oh, right. Well whenever you touch your soulmate you see colors. Y'know, other than just black and white."

"That sounds nice."

"Yeah." Lance stared at Keith. He slid his hand across the park bench they were sitting at and touched Keith's. And suddenly the whole world lit up.

He looked at Keith's what used to be gray eyes and saw a beautiful almost violet color.

"Holy shit." Keith spoke, amazed.


"So.. Does this mean you're my soulmate?" Keith asked.

"Yeah. It does."

Lance scooted closer to Keith and pulled him into a warm kiss.

"Lets go to my place." Lance said pulling away from the kiss.

Keith smiled. "I'd like that."

Sorry it took so long to update ive had writers block.

Also Voltron season 7 amirite?

Anyways this probably sucks but I wanted to get another chapter out there so here ya go.

Byeeeee ~ N

Word count: 481 words

Klance soulmate AU OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now