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Monique POV

"I love you to dad. Tell coach I said hello. Can't wait to see you for the holidays"
I can't wait really winter break. I miss my dad. We talk everyday via facetime. Let me introduce myself, my name is Monique. I am a 18yr old senior. I just hung up with my dad, he is currently on the road. My dad plays for the NBA team Miami Heat. He is getting ready for the season. I don't live with him in Florida. Well he gave me a chance to live with him when he was the Bulls then again when he went to Cleveland, but Cleveland sent him back to Miami. He does look happier back in Miami. Luckily for me next year I will be at University of Miami. The coach for Miami Heat can't wait till I move down there, he says I'm the daughter he never had an he is like second dad.
"Hey Nique. Did you talk to your dad?" My best friend Michael ask me as I get in the passenger seat of his car. Although I have a car Michael won't let me drive myself to school. See the advantage of being the only child of a nba player is that you get your own place. See I live and attend a private school in Virginia. See Michael loves to spoil me. His mom is the best. After my mom passed, my dad was left to raise me by himself. He did the best he could. I did have female friends who mom's treated me as their own. So when I met Michael about seven yrs ago his mom took a liking to me automatically. She keeps saying Michael an I will give her some beautiful grand babies in the future. Let's me get you straight Michael an I don't see each other like that. I loss my first kiss to Michael about three years ago an man that made both of us nauseous literally. We didn't talk for two weeks. But we let his mom dream. My dad has met her like twice. He loves Michael because Michael plays basketball. He said he already chose his college but he won't tell me. He told my dad.
We just arrived at school, my best female friend Christina grabbed my hand as soon as I opened the door, I yelled back a thank you to Michael, his girlfriend Dasia who doesn't like me at all wraps her arms around his neck. I look forward waiting for Christina to tell me what is going on with her. But knowing her she found out some juicy gossip.
Classes go by like normal. Nothing to really talk about. Now my favorite part of school...LUNCH!!! I grab my lunch from the line and head to the table with Christina and two of my other friends. There is Wendy an Derrick. Derrick an Christina are now dating. That's what she wanted to tell me this morning. He asked her out last night after Michael picked me up from her house last night. I feel my phone vibrates in my pocket so I grab it an see its a message from Michael.
Handsome bestie: Don't forget I have practice after school.
Me: that's cool. I catch a ride from Jason. He been wanting to show off that motorcycle to me for a while.
Handsome bestie: or you can come to practice. You can finish your homework an when practice is over your 'mother in law' would love to see you.
Me: naw. I don't think Dasia would like me there. An I saw your mom last night. I'll go over after I finish my homework at home. Xoxo. Now let me finish my food or you owe me Taco Bell
I finally focus back on my friends at my table. Christina looks at me "Why don't y'all date? I mean y'all dang near dating now. You have a car and yet he won't let you drive yourself to school. He always asking you to watch practice." I look at her confused then I notice my other friends shaking their heads in agreement. I remind them that Michael and I are just friends. Plus I had to remind Christina about the kiss incident and then they all burst out laughing, I joined in. Lunch ended after that. I caught up with Jason an asked him for a ride, he had football practice so I agreed to watch him practice. Yea I know I just told Michael I didn't want to stay back with him but I do love football. Plus football practice is shorter than basketball practice.
After classes ended I found Jason. He bent don't so I can hop on his back. I saw Michael and waved, he stopped Jason an I. "Where are you going? The parking lot is that way?" I told him that Jason had practice so I would watch him practice then he can take me home. Michael rolled his eyes. Dasia was starring at me like I had two heads. "Dude I can take her home" a voice from behind Michael an Dasia looked back an smiled at the one an only Kelvin Dunkin. The captain of the basketball team. "No I don't mind staying back." Jason puts me down an whispers that he is heading to practice. I nod my head. Michael ask me was I sure I told him I'm cool staying back an reminded him that football practice ends before his basketball practice. I ignore Dasia an hug my best friend an run down the hall to catch up with Jason. I guess he heard me cause he stopped an bent down an I got on his back an went to practice.
After school Jason took me home but not before treating me to Starbucks.

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