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Monique POV:

My date with Jason was fun. He took me to his aunt's restaurant. It was Fuzion cuisine. His aunt is hilarious she told me some stories about Jason. After dinner we went to a park an just talked. He loves to play the drums in his free time. His dad plays for the Baltimore Ravens, I joked with him that we shouldn't be friends by me being a Steeler fan. We talked about everything including my secret love of football. We lost track of time, so when I looked at his watch I realized it was 10:45pm. So as much as I didn't want to end the date, Jason took me home. I gave him a hug before going in my house. I call Gab an let her know I'm back home. She said she wanted details this weekend. After I hung up with her I sent Michael a quick text before I take my shower.
Me: hey handsome. I'm back from my date
Handsome bestie: how was it?
Me: it was great. I had fun.
Handsome bestie: did he try anything. I will kick his ass
Me: cool your jets. All we did was eat at his aunt restaurant and then spent rest of the time at the park just talking.
Handsome bestie: sounds lame. But as long as you like it is all that matters. Oh yea my mom told me she has been dating.
Me: WHAT!!! So that means we will never be brother and sister
Handsome bestie: you will always be my sister.
Me: Awe I feel so special. Well I'm about to get ready for bed. See you tomorrow.
I put my phone on charger. I hop in the shower an do my night routine. After my shower I put on my pajamas and head downstairs for a glass of warm milk. After I got my milk an was about to head upstairs someone was at my door. I look through the peep hole to see Michael an Kelvin standing their. I open the door.
Michael: Are you OK?
Me: Yea? Why?
Michael: Cause I called an you didn't answer.
Me: I took a shower an then came down here to get my warm milk.
Kelvin: well...
Me: well what?
Kelvin: well next time take your phone. This idiot came into my room panicking
Michael: hey don't blame me cause I'm a concerned friend.
Me: well since I'm about to go to bed did y'all want to sleep over. Michael you know where your room at an Kelvin you can take the room across from Michael. Goodnight guys.
I love my best friend an Kelvin is growing on me. My bed felt so good. Dreamland took over as soon as my head hit the pillow.

*Michael POV *
I'm sitting in my room at Nique house, that question that Kelvin asked me is still swarming in my head. Why haven't i asked her out before. I looked at the closet an wondered if the box is still on here. I hope she never found it. An knowing Nique she will act like nothing is wrong. But I can't act on my feelings for Nique cause I'm happy with Dasia. Well I get in bed soon sleep overtake me.

*Kelvin POV*
I can't believe it, I'm sleeping in Monique house. This room is extravagant. I can tell she had something to do with the style of this an maybe all the rooms. She looked so beautiful. Soon enough I find myself succumbing to sleep. "Goodnight Monique"

*Monique POV:
The following morning I wake up at seven. Although it's Saturday I still wake up early. I only have to make it until Wednesday then I'm free until next year. Plus my dad comes in Wednesday around five an he said his new friend will be joining us. Can't wait. I'm so excited

(A/N: I really love Rocketman

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(A/N: I really love Rocketman. This movie was an still is hilarious. Remember kids dreams do come true)

Well anyway. So I decided to be a good host an make breakfast for the guys so I showered an put on my outfit for the day. An since it was Saturday I had no plans so I wore a pair of Michael sweatpants an Kelvin shirt I took when I was on house arrest. I tossed my hair in a ponytail an put on my Betty Boop slippers an headed downstairs.

 I tossed my hair in a ponytail an put on my Betty Boop slippers an headed downstairs

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I fixed bacon, eggs, sausage, pancakes an toast. I also fixed coffee. Mostly for me but they can have some. About five minutes after all the food was placed on the table I hear feet running down the stairs. I clear out of the way as Michael an Kelvin run into the dinning room an look at the food. I hand then plates an let them fix their plates. During breakfast Jason sent me a good morning text. I responded back an focused on the yummy food an the conversation going on at the table. After all the food was demolished the guys volunteered to clean up. I head to the living room an turned on Netflix. I needed to catch up on Arrow. Plus I saw a few romance movies that interested me. The guys went upstairs I assume to get dressed. I know Michael said Dasia wanted to spend some time together. I don't know about Kelvin. If he not doing anything I could ask him if he wanted to just hang out with me. Jason has to babysit his neighbor kid. An my other friends have stuff to do.
Moments later Michael an Kelvin come back downstairs I am almost done with Arrow. Michael pulls me off the couch an gives me our hug an a kiss on the lips. Wow I wonder did he feel that spark. I shake my head an walk him to the door. Kelvin is grabbing his overnight bag before I stop him "Hey did you want to hang out here...with me. I mean if you have something to do I understand." I rub the back of my neck waiting for his response. Instead of verbally saying something he picks me up by my waist an we sit on the sofa. My legs across his lap.
It was around eight at night so Kelvin an I decided to eat pizza. His half had sausage while my half had pineapple. We ate an watched TV an had some laughs.

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