Laxus and Mirajane vs Mio

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Laxus, Bickslow, Evergreen, Mirajane, Elfman, and Lisanna were all running towards the north-west of town when a huge bang had hit the group.


"Ahhhh!!!!!" Lisanna and Elfman were shot from the rest of the group.

"Bickslow, Evergreen, Freed. Go help them!" Laxus yelled. 


"Go! I've got Mira!" The three shook their head in acknowledgment and ran into the direction the brother and sister were shot in. Laxus looked at his beautiful girlfriend, her glowing skin, silky hair, perfect body. Not to mention she was a huge badass.

Mirajane and Laxus ran to what appeared to be a tall Purple-haired woman who sat in a wooden rocking chair... Waiting for them.

"Hi, I'm Mio." Laxus squinted his eyebrows and glared rudely at the Purple-haired woman.

"Well, Hi! I'm Mirajane!" Mirajane smiled.

"Mira, she's here to kill us..." He whispered.

"No harm in being polite," Mira smiled at the lady. Mio walked towards the couple and looked them up and down.

"I'm feeling immense power..." She said smiling. Walking closer towards Mira, Laxus getting more protective. 

"From you..." She pointed at Mira, getting closer and placing her hand on her stomach.

"Get off her!" Laxus pushed her off his girlfriend.

"You two should get married soon..."


"Wouldn't want your son to be the son of a bastard, do you?"


"Your girlfriend is pregnant," she said looking at Mira.

"You are?" Laxus started smiling.

"I never knew..." Mira said laughing.

"I haven't felt sick... But I have been feeling bloated.

"I can't fight a pregnant woman, especially who's so kind." Mio waved her hand and Mira collapsed.


"Relax... She's only sleeping, I can't fight someone who's pregnant. That's just wrong." Mio smiled. "But I have no problem fighting you," Laxus picked up Mira and moved her far from the two. He then clenched his fists and prepared for the outbursts about to occur.

Mio dived towards him and missed her shot. He stepped back and observed her movements, she stepped out of pattern. She knew he was analyzing her. She jumped one way then went back another way so he couldn't tell what her ideas were, she wasn't going one way for longer than one move. He threw off his cape and made a move, he lunged towards her and missed.

"Copycat magic, I think it's the most effective when you know your opponent..." She said, striking him down. 

"I know everything about you, Laxus Michelle Dreyar."

"How do you know my middle name?!" 

"Son of Ivan Dreyar, Grandfather is Makarov Dreyar, the master of your guild. You had a Lacrima planted inside you as a child so you could achieve Lightning dragon slayer magic even though you weren't properly raised with it or trained by a real dragon. Your mother died, sadly we didn't have enough information to figure that puzzle out-"

"How do you know so much?!!" Mio smiled at the flustered Laxus.

"Well our boss, Rubetta. Is very fond of your little Natsu and has been stalking the guild for decades now. She has so much information and entrusted us with a necklace like this, said she believed in us keeping them." Mio laughed.

"The red-haired lady?"

"That'd be the one," Mio said cracking her fingers. "Enough with the chit-chat now, I need to end you. I'm going to feel bad making that unborn baby boy father-less..." 

Laxus grew angry at the thought of being weak and abandoning his unborn son, abandoning Mira. He gathered his strength and began in combat.

"Lightning Dragon Raging Bolt!!"

"Lightning Dragon Raging Bolt!!" Mio Copied striking the same spell against Dreyar leaving the powers at a stalemate.

"This is copycat magic?"

"It is indeed, any spell you do I can copy perfectly," she smiled

"You're going to be an easy fight..." 


"You just gave away your weakness..."

"What?" She had a puzzled look on her face. "You're stalling..."

"It looks like you know me better than you know yourself,"

"I beg your pardon?"

"You said you could copy any spell I do..."

"Yes," she looked at Laxus with the concern of his mental health.

"But you can't copy my moves..."

"But I can tell what your about to do..."

"And what's that?"

"You're going to lunge at me,"

"Wrong." Laxus grabbed the rocking chair and swung it at Mio, striking her and hitting her against a wall. 

"AGH!" She got up to be hit again by Laxus who punched her so hard knocking a tooth from her bottom row out from her mouth. "That's for my son!" He kicked her hard flying her across the road. "That's for touching my girl!" and he threw her hard against the pole "And my middle name is Micheal! Not Michelle!!"

"Laxus?" Mira got up wobbly.


"What. Happened?"

"Mio knocked you out..."

"That bitch!" 

"You need to take it easy baby mama," Mira smiled when Laxus said that and pecked him.

"I got a feeling we need that necklace..." Laxus said pointing to the knocked out Mio.

"Well, take it!" Mira laughed at the so cynical Laxus. 

Laxus grabbed the gold pendant up and ran their way to Lucy.



Plz, forgive me!

I have a fun twist and plan in store for the story including Nalu's Wedding!!!!

I hope you enjoy


A Perv!

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2018 ⏰

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