Moving Day

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Alex and Eliza showed up to John's house the day he was moving.  They brought him some going away presents.

"Hi guys!" He ran up and hugged Eliza and Alex while trying not to cry.

"Hi, John! We brought presents!" Eliza said.

Alex got him a book on turtles and a turtle shirt.  Eliza got him a friendship bracelet; her and Alex had matching ones.  Alex and Eliza also had a picture of the three of them laughing  to give John.  On the back of the picture they wrote:
Hope you have fun in South Carolina! We will miss you so much! Visit us soon!
Love Your Best Friends,
Alex and Eliza♡

"Thanks you two!" He hugged them. "Here Eliza!" He handed her the blue ring. "I'm really going to miss you."  Tears rushed out of his eyes.

"Not as much as we will miss you!" Alex said. Him and Eliza were both crying.

Soon, John's parents called him over.  It was time for him to leave.  He hugged his friends one last time.  They were all soaked in tears.

"I'm going to miss you so much!  I will never forget you!"

"We won't forget you either." Alex said.


"Pinky promise." Eliza smiled.  This was the last time their pinkies locked.

John got into the car. As the car drove away, Alex and Eliza chased after it waving to John.

Once the car was out of sight, he looked at the picture.  "I miss them already!" He couldn't stop his tears.  He'd be in South Carolina sooner than he could imagine.  He just couldn't believe that he may never see his friends again.


••A few months after John moved••

John had made some new friends, but none of them were like Alex and Eliza.  He couldn't be himself around any of them.  He felt like he needed to do what everyone told him to keep his friends.  He just wanted to be back in New York.

Things weren't so good with Alex and Eliza either. 

One day at lunch, Thomas came up to Alex. "I know your secret."

"What secret?" Alex asked.

"You and Maria."


"Come on, Alex! I know."

"Please don't tell Eliza! Please?"

"Okay, I guess I won't. But it's only because I'm dating her sister." He walked away.

A few weeks ago, Maria said she'd give Alex a cupcake everyday if he'd be her boyfriend.  He said he couldn't, but then she convinced him. He only kissed her under the slide, everyday.

One day, Eliza looked all around for Alex at recess.  Then she saw him with Maria.

"Alex?" She looked at him.

"Eliza!" He pushed Maria away.

"How could you?" She threw her ring on the ground.  She wasn't so much upset he was with Maria, but it was the fact that he couldn't keep a promise.

"I'm sorry! She made me!"

"Don't lie to me!"

"He's not lying! I did make him." Maria said. "I'm sorry, Eliza."

"Maria? I thought we were friends!"

"I know, I'm really sorry."

"I guess I can forgive both of you." She picked up her ring. "But Alex is mine and only mine!" She remembered that John shared him.  She kept forgetting things. Their memories faded slowly, but she missed him badly.


Everyday John looked at the picture of him, Eliza, and Alex.  There were tears everytime he saw it. He missed them so much.

On the other hand, Alex and Eliza were getting by fine without John.  Sure, they missed him, but he began to fade out if their minds.  Maybe it was because they were five, or maybe it was because they didn't care. Either way, John wasn't someone they really needed anymore which is hard to believe.  Just a few months ago, the trio was inseparable, but now they barely remembered all of their memories.

John still cared. He thought of his friends everyday and really wanted to see them.  He kept hoping that he would see Alex and Eliza again.  He thought to himself now and again, Do they even remember me?  After all, they did promise, right?  John's dad promised something too- that John would see them again. He started to believe that wouldn't happen either. But no matter what, he kept hoping and wishing and praying.

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