Just Like Before

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"John, I'm so sorry! I can't believe-"

"Eliza, don't worry about it! After all, we were only five." John put his arm around Eliza.

"But we were also best friends!" Eliza started to cry. "Now, I remember when we were kids, but I still feel really bad."

"I said it was fine, Eliza."

"But I don't know how to make it up to you!"

"You remembered; that's enough for me!" John smiled.

Eliza hugged him. "But I still want to give you something!"

"I don't want anything!"

"What about Alex?"


"We can share Alex again." She looked at Alex and smiled. He smiled back.

Alex was hot, but John thought that would be weird now that they were 17. "I don't know, Eliza."

"John, I don't mind." Alex said looking at John. "I mean you are pretty hot."

"Really?" John blushed.

"Yes, really."

He looked at Alex and Eliza. Can I really say 'yes'? I mean my dad won't approve, but what if he doesn't find out? That might just work! "Okay, I guess we can share!"

Eliza hugged him. "Just like 11 years ago, but wait. What about your dad? Will he care?"

"Well, he doesn't support the whole LGBT thing. He doesn't know I'm gay. So yes he will care, but he doesn't need to know."

"Won't he find out? I don't need you getting disowned or anything."

"Eliza, it's fine! If he asks, I'll just say that you are my girlfriend because I technically won't be lying."

"Okay, just don't be stupid with this!"

"Baby, calm down! Jackie is smart; he'll be fine." Alex smiled at John.

"Okay. You promise everything is going to be alright between you and your dad?"

"Pinky promise!" John laughed.

Eliza locked her pinky around John's and smiled.  "I'm supposed to say that!"  They all laughed.

"Well, now what?" John asked.

"I don't know." Eliza said. "I mean it's getting late."

"You guys can spend the night.  My dad won't mind."

"Okay, thanks!"

"Well, do you want to sleep on my bed or on the couch?"

"Well, we are a dating, so I guess your bed." Alex said.

"Oh okay." John blushed. They all laid down next to each other.

"Wait, almost forgot!" Alex kissed Eliza. John turned to face the wall. Alex turned John around and kissed him too.

"What was that for?"

"Being you."


"Jackie! You're my fucking boyfriend!"

"I know but-"

"Good night, Jackie!"

"Night!" He smiled.


The next day at lunch, John, Eliza, and Alex walked in together. In the back of the cafeteria, they saw Angelica, Thomas, James, and Peggy.

"Hey guys!" Peggy said smiling.

"Hey!" John replied.

"I'm having a party tonight. Angie and James all ready know about it, but you three can come if you'd like." Thomas said.

"Come on! What about me?" Peggy screamed.

"You're only 14!"

"Yeah, so?"

"You're too young!"

"You know what you are?"


"A bitch!"

"Peggy!" Eliza screamed.

"I'm sorry. What I meant to say was 'a fucking bitch.' "

Eliza sighed. "Just let her come, Thomas."


"She's not going to do anything!"

"Fine! Peggy, you can come."

"Well thanks!" Peggy smiled.

"You are so fucking lucky, Peggy Schuyler!"

"Oh please, I already know!"

He looked at Angelica. "Why can't I slap her?"

"Because she's my sister! Plus nothing is going to make her be less sassy than you!" Angelica laughed.

"I mean you could slap me.  What will that do, huh? I mean you're just a senior slapping a little, helpless freshmen, right? Right!" Peggy was really sassy.

"You little bitch!" Thomas glared.

"Aw, thanks!" Peggy smirked.

"Well, my little sister and boyfriend hate each other; that's great!" Angelica sighed.

"Oh don't forget your younger sister's boyfriend and your boyfriend hate each other too." Alex said.


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