New York Bound

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•••11 years later- Junior Year•••

John was now 16 (so were Alex and Eliza). He was finally moving back to New York like his dad had promised. He moved back to his old house; it was smaller than he remembered. He walked up to his old room and sighed.  That's were he always played with Alex and Eliza.  He still remembered.

John was starting school on Monday, it was Saturday.  He planned on walking to school being it was a few blocks away, but the snow on the ground told him otherwise. So on Monday, he took the bus.

He sat down in the back of the bus hoping to go unnoticed.  He had his headphones in and was on Snapchat, but out of the corner of his eyes he saw three girls sitting near each other.

The one girl had long, straight, brown hair pulled back into a low ponytail. She had beautiful brown eyes and a beautiful smile.  She wore ripped jeans, Uggs, and a blue sweater. She reminded him of someone. Eliza? he thought while staring at her.  She saw him.

"Oh, hi! You must be the new kid, right?" She smiled at him.

"Oh, yeah." John said smiling back revealing his braces and pulling his long, brown, curly hair back into a ponytail.

"I'm Elizabeth Schuyler! It's a pleasure to meet you! You can call me Eliza."

He was right. It was Eliza. "I'm John. John Laurens."

"Do you have your schedule?"

"Yeah, here." He handed her his schedule.  Maybe she didn't remember him.

"Wow! We have everything together!"


"Yeah! I can help show you around if you'd like."

"That would be great! Thanks!" This was like the time he and Eliza volunteered to help Alex.

"Oh, no problem!"

"Woah, calm yourself, Liza.  You have a boyfriend!" This must have been Angelica- who was now a senior. She had black, curly hair going down to her shoulders.  She had brown eyes too, but they weren't has calming, they were more fierce. She wore black leggings and a PINK sweatshirt.

"Shut up, Angie!" John was right again. "John this is Angelica, my older sister."

"Hi!" John said.

"You better fucking watch yourself. You see my sister has a boyfriend. His name is Alex. I'm sure you'll see him a lot if you hang out with her." Angelica said.

Alex? They are still dating? "Oh, no worries. I'm gay." John's freckles started to expand from embarrassment.

"Oh, that's cool!" This wasn't Eliza or Angelica. This was a small, eager voice.

"Peggy!" Eliza screamed. "Sorry, well anyways, John, this is my younger sister, Peggy."

"Hi!" John said.

"Hi! It's nice to meet you!" John remembered Peggy; she was now a Freshman.  She had long, brown, wavy hair pulled up in a high ponytail. She wore a yellow sweatshirt, black jeans, and Converse. Peggy was only 2 at the time, so he didn't expect her to remember him.  Eliza and Angelica had been 5 and 6, so he hoped they would remember.


John went through most of his classes unnoticed, but then it was time for lunch.

"John, are you ready for lunch?" Eliza asked walking up to John's locker.

"Um...yeah." John shut his locker when someone called for Eliza.

"Hey, Eliza!" It was a boy.  He had long, black pulled up in a ponytail. 

"Hi, Baby!" They kissed. "This is my friend, John. It's his first day."

"Oh, it's nice to meet you! I'm Alex!"

The air caught in his throat. It was Alex.  Did he forget too? "Nice to meet you too!" John smiled.

They all walked down to lunch.  John hoped one of them would remember, but nobody did. So much for promises.

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