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   TO CARMEN, IT'S NICE TO SCREAM. Every so often when she does it always comes out muffled and hard to hear. It was only because she refuses to let people know when she is upset, or scared. The girl would rather fixate her mind to help others, rather than help herself. So she keeps her thoughts closed and quiet. Maybe that's why everyone still adores the girl because she gives an illusion that everything is okay. And when you surround yourself around those kinds of people, you begin to believe it yourself.

   What they don't know is that Carmen does have a breaking point, and at this moment, her breaking point is really close. The thought of war made her absolutely terrified; especially since she'd be a nurse for the 107th. Except that wasn't the worst part, the worst part definitely had to be the fact that she'd be leaving soon, and yet she hasn't told Bucky or Steve.

   Not telling the boys earlier when she first found out, has to be the worst thing she's ever done. But how can she tell them if the full idea of being a nurse for the war has barely comprehended in her own mind? She didn't mean to sign up, but the sign outside of her nursing school with little to no signatures haunted her every day.

So as she walked out of the nursing school, her eyes stayed glued to the sign-up sheet, where her name used to be. That was until she was officially enlisted, and a new sign up list was put up. Carmen continued to look at the sheet before she felt an arm sling around her shoulder. A laugh escaped their mouth, "you wouldn't dare to sign up for that would you?" Carmen looked up to meet eyes with her dear friend Bucky. She fiddled with her bag, and stayed silent, just shaking her head in a 'no' motion. Bucky smiled, "good. I don't know what Steve and I would do without you here."

Carmen made sure to remember his words so she could slam her head against a wall later. She felt half and half about signing up. Of course, she wanted to help and heal the soldiers, but then again, there's Bucky and Steve. What the hell is she gonna do without them? But as of now, the girl ignored the thoughts and quickly changed the conversation. "Where is Steve by the way?"

As the two got outside the bright light from the sun blinded Carmen and warmed her skin up. She also felt Bucky's arm leave her shoulder, she knew why it just annoyed her. The boy is very attractive and he knows it, so he took advantage of it. He flirts, and flirts, his only problem? The second they flirt back, he doesn't know how to move forward. It's something Carmen often tries to help him with. But for some odd reason, her advice never worked, simply because he didn't take her advice. It pisses Carmen Ripley off, but she'd never tell him. Because at the end of the day, he's still the same sweet Bucky.

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