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   CARMEN ALWAYS FOUND COMFORT IN THINGS NO ONE ELSE DID. For some reason, no one else seemed to enjoy cheesy little sayings, but for Carmen, it just made sense to enjoy them. Especially when right now her life is revolved around those cheesy sayings. Sayings such as, 'if it's not okay, it's not the end,' or perhaps, 'a rainbow always comes after the rain.' Those little sayings have always impacted her most. Only because it's the little things in life, that you don't think twice about, that impact you the most.

   This is exactly why Carmen is able to stand in Bucky's bathroom and look at her nurse's uniform for the war, without a thought. If it weren't for a few days ago when she found out Bucky would also be in the 107th her mind wouldn't be at ease. Before that, just knowing both of them would be helping the war and not together, totally gave her second thoughts. But now, she doesn't even think twice about going to be a nurse.

   As Carmen looked at herself in the mirror she bit her lip and straightened out her white nurses' dress. She and Bucky both got their uniforms today and had decided to try them on together. But they also decided not to do it with Steve, in fear of him getting upset. Well in this case, more upset. So with the thought of Steve in her mind, Carmen let out a sigh and walked out of the restroom, and towards Bucky's living room where she assumed he is.

   When reaching the living room, she straightens out her hat, along with noticing that Bucky's yet to notice her. She stared at him with a smile, his hands were in his pockets and Bucky looked down at his uniform. The boy didn't know how to exactly feel, he was drafted, he doesn't want this. But what could he do? Was there anything he could do? No. This is what his life is now going to be, and Bucky doesn't know if this terrifies him or makes him proud of himself.

As for Carmen, when she stared at Bucky, it's clear to see this is what he's supposed to do. And Bucky may not be sure if he's proud of myself, but Carmen sure as hell knows she's proud of him. Just by looking at him, she knows this what he's made to do. For as long as Bucky's known Carmen and Steve, he's protected them as best as he can. It's time for him to protect others and save those he can.

   "Well aren't you the most handsome soldier if I've ever seen one," Carmen smiled watching Bucky look up at her in a shock. She held her hands behind her back, and tugged at her fingertips, slightly swaying side to side. At the sight of her, Bucky smiled as well, but he didn't say anything. There weren't any words in the world that could describe how he felt at that moment.

Bucky never had real feelings for Carmen - except when they first met and he didn't know she'd become one of his best friends - and yet he still doesn't have real feelings now for Carmen. But to him, it's no doubt how beautiful he finds the girl. She's wonderful inside out, it doesn't shock him about how many men swoon when they just see her. But in this moment, looking at her and her beauty, he envy's Carmen. She chose this, she wants to heal people and possibly save their lives, all from the kindness of her heart. "I could say the same for you, Nurse Ripley."

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