Chapter Four

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How last chapter ended:

I woke to my mom shaking my shoulder. "What?" I complained, still tired. "We're here." she said with a big smile. I looked over Ali, out the window. All I could think was "wow", Illea was beautiful.

I guess I can't really say Illea was beautiful because I couldn't really see Illea. Since we left at lunch time and it was a ten hour flight, it was about 10:30 at night.

So when I said Illea was beautiful, I was really talking about all the twinkling lights the palace had on.

We walked out of the plane and grabbed our bags from the guards. We followed the guards inside the palace and were greeted by Maxon and America

"Lacy! Daniel! It's so good to see you! It's been what? Two months!" America exclaimed. America and my mom hugged while Maxon and my dad did this weird guy hug. I noticed that America had a baby bump.

"And it's so good to see you too Riley! You've grown so much!" America hugged me. Although my parents had been here two months ago, I haven't been to Illea for about four years.

While my parents stayed and talked with America and Maxon, me and a very tired Ali decided to go to bed. The guards escorted us to our rooms and Cameron went to where the boys would stay.

In order to not raise suspicion about Cameron, his picture would appear on the show tomorrow along with all the other guys. Maxon and America would say that even though they had planned to only have fifteen guys they had changed it to sixteen, plain and simple.

When me and Ali got to our room we saw that our maid was there. "Hi! I'm Riley! This is Ali." I pointed to Ali who just waved and plopped down on one of the two beds in the room. "I'm Nicky." the maid said. She had long, blonde hair like me and also green eyes like me. I thought I saw a flicker of anger in her expression but it was gone as fast as it came. "Well Nicky it's nice to meet you, me and Ali are just going to go to sleep." I said yawning. I looked at the clock. 11:30 already! Nicky left and I got dressed in my pajamas and fell asleep in the bed opposite Ali's bed.

"Wake up!" I woke up to a pillow hitting my face as Ali yelled for me to wake up. "I'm up!" I yelled in reply. There were two bathrooms in the room so we each went into one. I hopped in the shower and let the warm water wash over me for about twenty minutes. I got out of the shower and dried off.

I walked out of the bathroom with my towel around me. Ali was already having Nicky do her hair and makeup. I dressed in a tight fitting coral sundress with yellow flowers on it that was laid on my bed. I put on some coral heels to match.

After Ali was done I went over to Nicky. "What would you like to be done with your hair and makeup?" Nicky asked, slightly bitter. I didn't know why but Nicky seemed familiar. "Surprise me." I answered, suspiciously.

Nicky did my hair into a braided up bun and my makeup was perfect. "Thank you!" I exclaimed, hugging Nicky. "My pleasure." Nicky said, again a little bitterly. Nicky left and I turned to Ali.

She was wearing a tight green dress that showed off her curves. The dress was very short, and only had two criss-crossed strips of cloth acting as the back.

My eyes widened and Ali laughed. "It makes me look smoking hot, doesn't it." she said, holding back laughter. "Did Nicky pick that out for you?!?" I asked, astonished. "No! I brought it from home, silly!" I was still surprised but I shrugged. "Just don't try to steal any of the guys from me." I winked. "Of course not! Besides, I like being single. No commitments." With that we headed to breakfast.

Breakfast was a wonderful dish of omelets and Creme Brulee. After breakfast we got ready for the show with Gavril. The faces of all the selected, including Cameron, would be broadcasted to Illea and Shiro. America and Maxon would explain Cameron, and we would be done. No one would arrive today but each of the four days after four men would come, Cameron "coming" on the first.

When me and Ali were ready for the show we headed down to the broadcast room. When I opened the door I was blinded by bright lights everywhere. "Ooo look!!!" Ali said, pointing to gold chairs with our names on them. "Wow." I said. Ali dragged me over to the chairs and we sat down. America and Maxon were there, they had no children but America was pregnant.

My parents walked in and the show got started. Cameron wasn't here, so he wouldn't raise suspicion. Maxon talked about some politics and other things and then Gavril started.

"Hello people of Illea and Shiro. The part you've all been waiting for, the presentation of the selected. We will show each selected picture and Princess Riley's reaction to them." Gavril announced. "And before we get started, Queen America with a little announcement."

America walked up to Gavril and Gavril bowed then took a seat. "As you know, we were going to select fifteen men for Princess Riley, but we have decided to pick sixteen instead, thank you." America smiled and walked back to her seat.

Gavril then proceeded to show the pictures of the sixteen men. A picture of a ginger showed up first. He had LOTS of freckles. "Danny Carmichael." Gavril announced.

A few went by, none particularly cute. One named Samuel Lee was hideous. I think I cringed when his picture showed up. Then a guy stood out to me.

He was hot, but in a messy sort of way. He wasn't wearing a suit like everyone else and his hair wasn't neatly combed, but he was hot! Gavril introduced him as Drake Fredrickson. I defiantly wanted to keep him for a while.

I looked over at Ali, she obviously agreed. She was drooling at Drake's picture. I leaned over and whispered "Don't get any ideas." Ali blushed and stopped staring.

The only other guy that caught my eye was named Tyler Davis. He was cute, but not Drake cute. Then Cameron came up, he looked very handsome in his picture. I felt guilty for even thinking those guys were cute. After all, I had told Cameron I loved him.

After the show I was too tired for dinner so Ali had it brought up to our room. I insisted I was fine but Ali kept telling me that she wouldn't let me go to bed hungry like a cow looking for a burger. What does that even mean?

After a quick dinner I took a shower and hopped in bed. I was excited for tomorrow. I would be "meeting" Cameron tomorrow along with Tyler, a guy named Dillon, and a guy named Caiden.

I couldn't wait to see what they were all like!!! I couldn't help but wonder, would I like any of them better than Cameron? Of course not! I thought to myself and fell asleep.

I woke up at six and decided to get an early start. I left Ali asleep while I took a shower. I used lavender body soap, to make sure I smelled good. I got out and dressed in a dark purple, fading into white, floor length dress, with no sleeves.

Nicky was there so I had her do my hair in an extravagant up do that took a lot of hairspray. Nicky did my makeup and I put my shoes on. Ali came up being me in a red, knee length dress. "You look beautiful." she said. I looked at myself in the mirror, today was going to be a long and exciting day.

Sorry for not updating sooner! I was in reading mode not writing mode! Thanks for 50 views!!! Hope you like this chapter!!!




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