Chapter Two

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Right after lunch I ran out to the stables to find Cameron. He was a stable boy who I met while riding my horse. We had been dating for a little over three years.

I don't know if I love Cameron yet but he is is the only guy I could see myself marrying. I got to the stable where Cameron was brushing Burgundy, my horse.

I ran up behind him and hugged him. He turned around and kissed me softly. I broke off from the kiss and said "Guess what? My parents want me to pick a suitor to be the king before my eighteenth birthday!"

His face lit up and he exclaimed "You want me to be your suitor?" "Cameron I don't know if I love you yet but I think you'll be the one." I said, making his eyes light up.

"Riley when you pick I want it to be as easy as breathing for you to pick me, take your time." I was touched by how Cameron understood me.

We went up to my room and started talking about how to tell my parents about us. Cameron's dad had died so he just lived with his mom. He was also an only child, like me.

I had an idea! "Cameron, I want you and your mom to join us for dinner tomorrow. I'll tell my parents that I invited a friend and they'll get to meet you!" Cameron answered by kissing me softly and then it got deeper, we were kissing passionately when we broke apart. We were both breathing hard from the kiss.

"I better go" he said. When he left I noticed it was 6:05. Crap. I was late for dinner, again.

Once again I rushed out of my room and down the stairs into the dining hall. I sat down beside my mom and started eating the perfectly buttery lobster like I hadn't been late.

I was about to grab a biscuit when my dad said "Riley we will disregard you being late and share some news with you. Tomorrow after lunch we will be traveling to our sister country Illea. When we get there we will be staying with King Maxon and Queen America for five days. They have graciously chosen 15 men for you to bring back to Shiro and date over a period of time. You will go on dates with the 15 men and if you don't like one you can send him home. At the end you will pick one to be your suitor."

When my father finished I was stunned. Should I tell them about Cameron? I have to. "Um actually dad there is something I need to tell you and mom. I've been dating this stable boy named Cameron for 3 years."

I shut my eyes fearing what they would say. "Riley!" my mom exclaimed "you should have told us! That's wonderful! Do you love him?"

"Well I don't know yet, which is why I want to do the thing with the 15 guys. I want to take my time and choose the right person." I said

"I like that decision." my dad said "We will go to Illea tomorrow and pick up the 15 men and after 5 days there, we will come home with them. Cameron is welcome to be part of this."

"Thanks dad." I said happily. "But why are the men from Illea instead of Shiro?" "King Maxon and Queen America offered so we accepted." he answered "ok" I said. I asked to be excused and went straight to Cameron, I told him about the 15 men and told him he was apart of it too. "Riley I'm excited to be in this and I'm going to fight for you to pick me." He kissed me passionately and we continued for a few minutes then I left for bed.

I was excited and nervous at the same time. Would I pick Cameron? I hope the other guys are nice too. This could be really fun, I thought, or a disaster. I went to my room where my maid Daisy helped me get ready for bed. Tomorrow I would go to Illea and bring back 15 men with me after 5 days of initially meeting them.

I hoped with all my heart that this would give me my true love. I also kinda hoped I would pick Cameron, I really liked him. I just didn't know if I loved him, I am only sixteen after all.

I slowly drifted off to sleep and dreamed of my "Selection" , as King Maxon called it. I had only met him at parties but he found America in his. So I just hope I can pick someone I truly love. Will it be Cameron?

Hey guys I want to thank you if you are reading this. PICTURE ON THE RIGHT IS CAMERON!!! I'm  really thankful that you read this!!! please comment what you think!!! Sorry if this chapter is short.

I want to give a shoutout to @love_pink_21 for being an awesome reader and you guys should read her story The Princess!!!

I also want to give @cheerbooklover a shout out for the nice comments you guys should follow her!!!

I wasn't going to put The Selection in but I couldn't resist!!! ALL SELECTION CHARACTERS (PEOPLE FROM ILLEA) BELONG TO KIERA CASS!!!

Hope you guys liked it!!!! If this is short I'm sorry. This is my first wattpad story so I don't know how much to write. Again thanks for reading and please comment!!!

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