Chapter Three

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I must have slept in because when I woke up Daisy was already picking out my clothes for the trip to Illea. "What time is it Daisy?" I asked. Daisy jumped, she hadn't known I was awake. "10:00 a.m. my lady." Daisy answered. "What?!? I only have two hours until lunch and the trip to Illea!!!"

Daisy,being her shy self, was shaking because I had yelled. "Sorry my lady, your breakfast is on your bed table." "Don't be sorry Daisy, I'm sorry for yelling." I smiled at her and quickly ate my breakfast. Daisy had already drawn me a bath so I got in and took at fifteen minute bath.

The clothes Daisy had picked out for me were pretty but comfortable, for the plane ride. She had picked some tight black yoga pants and a pretty sweater that had various shades of blue going from dark blue to an almost white blue. With it I put on some knee high black boots.

"Daisy would you please do my hair?" I asked. "Yes my lady, what would you like?" "How about a side braid?" I answered. Once Daisy was done with my hair it was about 11:30. I thanked her and decided to head down to lunch early (for the first time ever)

When I got to the dining hall my parents and Cameron were already there talking. I assumed they were telling him how the selection would work. But someone else was there too. Allison, my best friend in the world came running up to me. In a flash of brown hair I was being pulled into a hug by her. "Ali! What are you doing here?!?" I asked excitedly, pulling out of the hug. "I'm going to Illea with you! To keep you company!" she answered. Then she whispered to me "and to help you pick the cutest boys!" I couldn't help but laugh. We both broke out laughing.

I met Ali in my private school about three years back. She used to be a wealthy three, so normally I wouldn't have associated with her. But when Maxon and America got rid of the castes in Illea, my parents decided to get rid of the castes here too. So ever since about three years ago, when the caste system was destroyed, I had been going to a private school. Where I met Ali.

After we were done panting for breath from laughing I told her that Cameron would be in my selection. Ali was the only one I told about me and Cameron dating, before I told my parents.

"That's great!" she answered. We sat down to eat breakfast, bacon and eggs with vanilla scones. My favorite! Cameron stayed to eat, but it was awkward because my dad kept staring at him. He finished, while I was still stuffing my face. He left to go get his bags for the trip.

When we were all done we headed to the plane. When we got there I found Daisy and her maid friend, Lana, holding Ali's and my bags. We thanked them and got on the plane. "I call the window." Ali said sitting down. I sat down next to her.

Daisy wasn't coming with me, I would share a room with Ali and we would have a maid from the Illea palace. I knew Daisy was sad that she wasn't coming with me, but I said she shouldn't because I wanted to give her some time off.

There were about thirty guards dressed in the Shiro color,  navy blue, on the plane. My mom always wants us to be very protected. After the guards took our bags and Cameron, Ali, mom, dad, and I were all on the plane we took off.

The plane ride to Illea was about ten hours. Ya I know, the "sister countries" are a ten hour plane ride apart! Basically my plan for the plane was to put sunglasses on (even though we were in a dimly lit plane) and pretend to listen to Ali talk about fashion magazines while I slept.

It worked for about three hours, which is longer than I expected. When Ali finally figured it out, she hit me until I woke up and wouldn't let me sleep anymore.

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