Chapter Five

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Me and Ali headed down to breakfast. It was cereal, we had to eat quickly because the boys would be arriving soon. We ate quickly and went to stand outside for the boys' arrival.

We were waiting for about five minutes when we saw the camera vans and a black limo, carrying Cameron, Tyler, Dillon, and Caiden. The camera men stepped on to the lawn then the boys started coming out.

Gavril, who was hosting live, introduced them as they walked up to me and kissed my hand. Dillon was first, he was okay looking with light brown hair and hazel eyes. When he had kissed my hand he went to stand in the place assigned for him.

Cameron was next. Then Tyler, he had blonde hair, blue eyes, was about my height and was pretty cute. Then last, Caiden. He walked up to me with a smug look and kissed my hand longer than I was expecting. He had dark brown hair, brown eyes and was very tall.

After they had all gone to there spots Gavril said a little speech and the cameras turned off. The boys were escorted to the men's room while Ali and I went to change.

Our dresses were pretty, but uncomfortable. I dressed in black leggings and a comfy green sweater with black sandals. I told Ali I would meet her in the room after I went and met the boys.

I walked downstairs and straight into the men's room. All the boys looked at me. "I trust your advisor has told you what will be going on. You are the first of four groups of men who will be arriving over the next few days. To be fair, I will meet all of you in a ten minute session but will have no further dates with you until we get back to Shiro. You will also be eating separately from me until we go to Shiro. Understand?" They nodded. "Good, I will meet Dillon first."

Dillon walked toward me and followed me into the room next door. We sat down and started talking. "Hi, I'm Dillon." he said. "I'm Riley." I said back with a smile. "So I'd like to ask you a few questions to get to know you better." I said. "Okay." was his response.

I learned that Dillon liked green, played baseball, and was 19. He was nice and pretty funny. Meeting Cameron was easy, we just talked. Tyler was cute but so boring, he had no personality. But Caiden, oh he had a personality.

"So Caiden, what are your favorite hobbies?" I asked. "Pretty much kissing girls, I'm very handsome." He said. I was taken aback by his attitude and arrogance. "I can show you if you want." he said, raising his eyebrows. "No thank you." I defiantly didn't like him.

Then he jumped over the table that was between us and pushed his mouth to mine. I hit him hard on the chest and jumped back. He keeled back in pain. "Get out!" I yelled.

He stumbled out of the room and I went out after him. I went to find my mom. I found her in her office doing work. I told her about Caiden and she was letting me send him home immediately. I decided to do it in front of the other boys so I didn't have to be alone with Caiden again.

I walked in to the men's room and all the boys looked at me. "It was originally planned that I would meet you and you would not go home until we were in Shiro. However do to someone's behavior, they will be sent home immediately." I turned to Caiden. "Caiden, you are being sent home. A guard will escort you to your car." I said. Caiden looked at me with a smirk. A guard grabbed Caiden and led him out of the room.

I turned to the other boys. "As for you, sit tight for the next three days and I will see you again in Shiro." I smiled and left the room. I walked to my room and grabbed Ali. Of course I told her about Caiden and the other guys. Then we headed out to go do one of our favorite pass times, hunt.

We hopped in the camouflage truck with my dad and King Maxon. Maxon drove into the woods, with guards in trucks behind us. We headed to a duck blind that we were using to hunt deer.

Since Maxon became king we don't have to worry about rebels anymore. We sat down to hunt and waited for a deer to come by. Our guns were pointed at the spot where we had put the salt block.

Just then I saw something out of the corner of my eye. A girl with a bloody arm walked into the clearing. "Oh my gosh!" yelled Ali. Maxon and my dad rushed to her, me and Ali following. The girl collapsed on the ground.

"Guards!" Maxon yelled, guards came swooping in ready for anything. One laid eyes on the girl and picked her up.

"Take her straight to the infirmary." Maxon said. Then he turned to us "I think we should head back to the castle." Me and Ali nodded our heads in agreement.

We got back in the truck and headed toward the palace, the guard trucks behind us again.

I'm so sorry for not posting sooner! I've been so busy! I'm truly sorry! Thanks for you patience! Also thanks for 130 views!

Hopefully I will be posting soon! I will not make you wait as long and I am still so sorry!

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