Chapter 1

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Alyss felt overjoyed as she watched her newborn baby girl sleep soundlessly in her crib. The baby already showed signs of Alyss' silky blond hair and her features matched her mothers as well. Alyss stroked the baby's cheek, thinking about the little person who had finally entered their lives. Her husband, Will, entered the room and kissed her on the cheek.

    "How are my two favourite girls this morning?" he asked cheerfully. Alyss didn't answer, she simply gave him a warm smile and scooped their baby up into her arms. The little girl was only a day old. Alyss' old mentor, Lady Pauline, had helped Alyss through the birth the previous night, while Will's old mentor, Halt, tried to comfort him in the kitchen over some coffee. Though neither of their two mentors had the experience of child bearing, they were grateful they were there to share in their joy. The baby was beautiful and wasn't too fussy the first night. Alyss already had the strong feeling that their little girl would have her fathers personality. 

    There was a knock on the door and Will left the room to answer it. He soon returned with Lady Pauline, Princess Cassandra and her husband Horace, and also Halt and Gilan. They had gotten quite a few visitors that morning, including Jenny and George, their old ward mates. Everyone had wanted to get a glimpse of Ranger Will Treaty, and Lady Alyss' newborn daughter.

   "Oh Alyss, you look very well this morning!" Cassandra said in her usual happy voice. She and Alyss had grown closer together in the years following their trip to Nihon-Ja. They had had their disputes on that trip, but they were resolved and they became best friends. Gilan smiled at the baby in Alyss' arms.

"You must let me see this Goddaughter of mine." he said holding out his hands. Alyss hesitantly placed the baby in the tall, handsome rangers arms. Will noted Alyss' hesitation, and thought he would discuss it later with her, once everyone had left. Gilan moved the blankets away from her face and smiled down at the little pink baby.

"Uncle Will, What's her name?" For the first time, Alyss noticed Madelyn, Horace and Cassandras daughter, hanging onto Will's sleeve. Will glanced at Alyss, looking puzzled by the four year olds question. He knelt down next to her and smiled.

"We haven't picked one out yet, Maddie." He said. She looked slightly disappointed.

"Well, you should pick one." she said simply. Cassandra quickly scolded her daughter.

     The baby was passed around the room, each one took a chance holding her, even Halt, who seemed the most compassionate about the baby. When the baby was finally back in Alyss' arms, only then did she relax. She hadn't realized how tense she was. Could she trust these people to hold her baby? The most presious thing in life to her? Alyss bit her lip and pushed the thought aside. Of course she could! These people were family! She trusted her life with every single one of them, except maybe Maddie, but she was only four.

      Will seeing Alyss was exhausted, tried to end the conversations and politely push them out the door, but he was stopped by Gilan and Halt.

"Acctually, Will. We must speak with you." Gilan said. Alyss dreaded those words. Everytime Gilan and Halt had to speak to her husband, it meant he had to leave her for possibly months. It was unfair. She hadn't thought this way until half way through her pregnancy. She didn't want Will to miss anything about their daughters life. What if he was called off on a mission and missed her first steps, or her first words? It wasn't right. Both Alyss and Will were orphans, and she didn't want her daughter to grow up knowing her father could die at any moment.

       Will glanced back at Alyss and gave her a sad smile.

"Get some rest. You need it." He said before shutting the door to their bedroom quietly behind him. Alyss stared at the door for sometime, wondering what they were talking about. Was she going to loose her husband again? She let out a deep sigh and gently laid her baby in her crib, blew out the lantern, and fell into a restless slumber.

Treaty's Daughter (Book one of The Ranger and The Thief series)Where stories live. Discover now