Another Round

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"Day one is almost over and I haven't injured myself yet! Knock on wood," I say happily as I join Carly and Beckett at the bar. Beckett laughs.
"You aren't injuring yourself this year V," Carly says with a smile. I laugh and Beckett is about to add something, when Ms. Helsweel enters.
"Look alive! You had all summer to lounge about, heaven knows you did," she exclaims, walking to the middle of the studio.
"Congratulations to Ms. Cato, who toured with Ms. Gomez over the summer, and to Ms. Morita and Mr. Bradstreet who attended the Juilliard summer dance intensive, along with the Prima dance intensive. Now, as you all know, there are three open spots in the Primas, counting my freshman pick. Auditions will be lead by Ms. Morita tomorrow after school. Do not attend if you are going to make a mockery of yourself. Now! Moving on. This year Keaton will be hosting the IMADs. I expect each and every one of you to qualify. Groups will be posted on the wall at the end of class, you will meet with your groups tomorrow during this class. On top of that we will be learning choreo for the winter recital, choreograhped by myself and Ms. Morita. Now, warm up. Go!" Ms. Helsweel announces. Carly, Beckett, and I return to the bar and Sasha and Jenna join us.
"Anyone know what the IMADs are?" I ask, looking at my friends. Everyone shakes their head. Except Sasha.
"Of coarse you know what the IMADs are. I expected nothing less of you," C jokes. Sasha playfully rolls his eyes at her before explaining, "IMADs stands for Interdisciplinary Music, Art, and Dance. They're like the CAMDAS but on steroids. They're hosted by a different school every four years and music, art, and dance students have to collaborate to make a final project. Like the story project we did last year? Probably in preparation for this."
"That actually sounds kind of cool," Jenna decides.
"Yeah, the story project last year was really fun," C adds. I make eye contact with Beckett and we both burst out laughing. Yeah... The project last year where Alya decided to write a song about all the drama going on between me and Beckett and then perform it in front of his mom. So much fun...
"Is there something you would like to share Ms. Morita and Mr. Bradstreet?" Ms. Helsweel asks, looking at us sternly. We both shake our heads, laughing silently.

When Ms. Helsweel finally releases us, my friends and I rush over to the wall where our IMAD groups are posted. I quickly scan the list for our names.

Alya Kendrick
Carly Cato
Sasha Roy
Scarlette Dunn

Miles Lennox
Vanessa Morita
Beckett Bradstreet

Bianca Blackwell
Mindy Dobson
Jenna Cristinziano
Jax Gardner

"No way. There is no way we got into the same group off of pure luck," I say, grinning at Beckett.
"I may have convinced my mom to pull a few strings. Doing the dishes for a month at home is worth it," Beckett replies with a smile. I laugh before giving him a kiss on the cheek.
"You're the best," I tell him.
"Hey V, isn't Alya Kendrick the singer who pulled the little stunt last year? She's in me and Sasha's group," C says, pointing to the list.
"Good luck. Don't tell her anything important," I warn.
"Anyone know who Miles Lennox is? Never heard of him," Beckett says looking at the list again. I shrug.
"He's a musician. Really good. He was in my Red Riding Hood group," Carly tells us.
"Cool, looks like we got a solid trio," Beckette says smiling down at me.

Word Count: 616

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