⊳ 𝐢. Toni Was Bored...

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◤ chapter one: ❛ toni was bored

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chapter one: ❛ toni was bored... ❜ ◢

IF TONI HAD TO EXPLAIN HER ACTIONS FOR THE NIGHT IN ONE WORD IT WOULD COME DOWN TO THE FACT THAT SHE WAS BORED. Not the we aren't learning anything interesting in class bored or I'm trapped in my room for two weeks bored, but the kind where she should be excited and full of emotion and not even allowing herself a free moment kind. She shouldn't feel this way because tomorrow was a big day – as her mother claimed – and it was going to be full and she shouldn't be bored.

          But it's not tomorrow, it's tonight, and she's not interested in Netflix or Hulu and no matter how much she sucks the life out of the joint she's holding, nothing happens. She's still stuck with this feeling and she just needs something more; she needs a cure but the only cure she knows is sex.

          So, of course, she sighs to herself and gets out of her phone and scrolls through her contacts. Come over? She sends the text to her drug dealer because they have a fuck buddy relationship and he's enough to sate her and keep her from being so utterly bored and alone.

          give me thirty minutes

          She looks at the text from him and smirks. Toni would admit to anyone else that he wasn't the best guy and he definitely wasn't winning any awards for being an upstanding citizen, but he was good at sex and knew his place in her life and never overstepped anything. He was there for a short pleasure and to give her weed and nothing more. It was a good agreement for the both of them because she couldn't stand anything that came out of his mouth for more than a minute and he had other people to fuck so he wasn't chasing after her.

          It worked for them and Toni wouldn't have it any other way.

          Going out to balcony (because this is her pristine castle in Suburbia and that means the princess of the house got her own fucking balcony) she glanced at the bottle of whiskey she had taken from her dad's study and poured herself a glass. It wouldn't hurt to get a little bit tipsy before her boy toy got there. The alcohol would allow her to tolerate him a bit more.

          She sips at her glass before bringing the joint to her lips again and smoking it, watching the smoke in the air as she exhaled. Toni, the princess of the Alderson house, sat alone as she was sure her parents were asleep and looked out at the scenery with nothing more than a bored look.

          She was used to the nice flowers and perfectly cut bushes. Not done by her own neighbors, no, but those they employed to keep the yard perfect. Because here in Suburbia no one took care of their own pool (not that many had a pool, it was often too cold to go swimming) or their own garden, why would they when they all had enough money to pay someone else? And the Aldersons were just the same.

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