⊳ 𝐯𝐢. A Night to Forget

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◤ chapter six: ❛ a night to forget ❜ ◢

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chapter six: ❛ a night to forget ❜ ◢

TONI HAD NEVER BEEN TO LIZ' HOUSE BEFORE. Then again, she had never had a reason to before this party, so why would she? Liz was certainly not one of her friends – though she seemed to be getting closer with Sabrina – and Toni didn't do class president or any leadership position or club which Liz would partake in. Toni was much more just go to school for classes and party later kinda person rather than actually getting involved. That was too much work and too much time spent with people she didn't give a fuck about.

         Still, she had to admit that it was a very lavish and modern build, much different than her own because her mother preferred an old house with character (which basically meant more work had to be done and bugs got in sometimes). She liked it, it was slick and smooth and felt less like a home that they were all destroying and more like just a regular building. Regardless, it looked terribly expensive, which confused her since everyone knew that Liz' mom didn't work and, well, Toni didn't really know what her dad did. Must be something that racked in a lot of cash to get this place, though. Never mind, because it wasn't like Toni was going to ask Liz about it. It wasn't her place to question the host – especially when she was getting free booze.

         Flash claimed the position as the DJ, the music booming as he cheered and practiced his beats. He was alright. Toni had definitely heard better but Flash was young and just starting out, so he was alright for what he was. Toni wasn't about to burst his bubble since he was a bit more bearable than the likes of Cindy Moon and Betty Brant. So whatever, she'd let him have it.

         She sipped at her cup, beer going down her throat. It wasn't the best taste, but who cares? It was going to get her drunk and that's all she cared about. People were chattering away, mostly in excitement about the possibility of seeing the great vigilante Spider-Man since Ned Leeds proclaimed that Peter Parker – due to his internship at SI – knew the masked hero and would most definitely get him to the party.

         It was idiotic and Toni didn't believe for a second that the vigilante would actually show up. It was probably just something to impress Liz or whoever else that Peter definitely didn't want because it only meant more taunts from Flash, who made it his personal mission to berate Peter for one reason or another. Toni didn't care enough to ask him why or to stand up for Peter. It didn't really make a difference in her life one way or another, so why would she?

         "Ugh, Liz' beer is so bad," Atlas complained, though he brought the cup up to lips again.

         Toni rolled her eyes. "Pretentious fuck," she called him and he shot her a look.

         "Well I'm sorry that Colette's been spoiling me," he snapped and she frowned.


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