Chapter 5

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"I want to thank you for for staying beside me.", Eowyn says as we re-enter the Golden Hall

"Is there anything else I can do?", I offer.

"I should be doing more for you Amber." she replies, "Since we both insist on owing each other, we can keep one another company."

"Deal.", I agree.

"How come you are even here?", Eowyn wonders, handing her coat to a maid.

We go back outside and sit on the steps.

"I was sent on a quest to go to Mordor." I explain, seeing no reason to hid the truth, "I had to help destroy the One Ring. Long story short the Fellowship got split up. The rest of us ended up here. Edoras needed help."

"That's crazy! You're lucky they allow you to help.", she looks away sadly.

"Your time in war will come but not for a while longer.", I tell.

"May I ask you one more question?", she says hesitantly.

"Ask away." I say with a small smile, "I won't get upset."

"Well," she pauses, "That brooch is from Lothlorien. I saw the man Aragorn, the dwarf and other elf wearing them too. I know it is none of my business but you went there, didn't you?"

"I was born and raised there, but yes. We did stop at Lothlorien on our way." I confess, "Do not believe the rumours surrounding my home and of the Lady Galadriel. She is wise and fair, not dark and evil. I represent her."

"You represent her? That is impressive.", she says in awe.

"Enough about me. I'm bored of talking of myself." I say, "What about you Eowyn?"

"There is not much-"

She stops as we both hear the sound of urgent horse hooves. I see a horse galloping. With my elf eyes, I can tell there are two children on the horse. A girl sits at the front and the older boy falls off.

Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas stop practising fighting techniques. Theoden looks in shock. Aragorn rushes to the boy and picks him up as Legolas holds the little girl. Aragorn looks at me and I jump into action.

"Eowyn, we need to get cold cloths." I inform, "And set up a place to put the boy."

She nods and we sprint inside. I help a guard carry a couch as Eowyn soaks some rags. Aragorn comes in and puts the kid on the couch and Legolas sets the girl down.

"What's wrong with my brother?", the girl asks.

"He has fainted from exhaustion." Aragorn explains, while putting the cloth on the boys head, "Your brother will be ok."

"I'm hungry. Is there any food?", she asks politely.

"Come with me." I offer my hand to her, "We will go together and ask the chef to make something."

"Ok.", she takes my hand.

"Do you know where the kitchen is?", Eowyn asks.

"I'll find my way.", I say back.

The girl and I head off.

"Are you hurt, tired, cold?", I ask concerned.

"I'm just tired. And very hungry.", she sighs.

"That can be fixed." I smile, "What is your name?"

"Freda." the girl answers, "What's yours? Are you an elf?"

"My name is Amber, and yes I am an elf."

"I've never met one. I could tell by your ears.", Freda points out.

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