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I have the best friends ever. I'm about to leave for music school and they gave me the best send off ever. They threw me a surprise party and Noah made amazing remixes of some of my songs. I almost wish I wasn't going to music school. Almost. I'm just going to miss them so much and I wish that they could come with me. Danielle even gave me an outfit that isn't even in the shops yet! Well, everyone gave me amazing presents. From Skye, there was a framed photo of us all and from Noah, a CD with all of my songs on it, the originals and remixes.
End of flashback
"Hey babe," Noah comes into the living room and kisses my cheek. Yes we live together. No we aren't married. Or engaged. We're just boyfriend and girlfriend. I think Noah might want to take things further but I don't know.
"What's up" he asks
"Nothing" I say
"Babe I know when something's bothering you" he says
"Okay fine" I sigh "I'm just having trouble figuring out what to right about"
"Well, why don't you forget about that for now and go on a date with me to an Italian restaurant"
"You're the best" I tell him
"No you are" he says back
"You are end of conversation. Ha I win" I say laughing.
An hour later
"This spaghetti is amazing" Noah says, twirling a piece on his fork.
"God I know!" I reply
"Um, there's something I've been meaning to ask you" he sounds nervous all of a sudden
"Go on then" I encourage him
He gets down on one knee and says "Kaylee, will you marry me?"
I choke on a piece of spaghetti shocked. I don't know what to say. Instead of speaking, I grab my bag and just run out of rhe restaurant.

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