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"Josh are we actually doing this"
"It's what the fans want"
"Josh you have what, like 3, fans?"
"Well the fans still want it"
"Oh yeah and you're going first Skye"
"Oh and you need to wear either a swimming costume or clothes you don't mind getting wet"
"I'm going for a swimming costume. All of my old clothes are too small"
"Go on then!" I practically shout at her
"Yes sir" she holds her hands up at me as if to surrender
End of flashback
That was the start of my vlog. She was right- I did only have three fans but now, 3 fans has turned into 3 thousand fans. Lots of them actually asked for me to include Skye in my  videos again. Skye thinks that the only reason I came was for my fans but she's wrong. Well, it is partly because of that but it's mainly because they were right and I should visit Skye. I miss her.
"Hey mate" I hear Ben say. "That sounds sick. I can't wait to get back to practice. Wait what? Um, yeah, yeah I understand. Thanks for telling me"
I turn around and say "hey what happened?"
"The bike company are mad because I haven't been practicing lately so they've dropped me from the next tour"
"Seriously? But you're the best biker ever"
"Thanks mate. You might think that but the tour has replaced me with Sean. Apparently they think he's better than me"
"Hey. I'm really sorry about this"
"Hey don't get all mushy with me"
I laugh and he starts to smile and laugh with me.
"Oh but um don't tell Skye that I'm hanging out with you. I'm not on her good side right now and I don't want to make things worse by hanging out with her ex"
"Right. I won't tell her don't worry"
"Thanks bro"
"No problem".

The Lodge: 10 Years LaterWhere stories live. Discover now