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"I got into music school" I say
"Yeah I'm really happy for you Kaylee" Noah says, although he doesn't seem like it
"Thanks guys" I smile
I decide to ignore the fact that Noah doesn't seem very excited for now because I'm so happy and I don't want anything to ruin today for me.
End of flashback
Phone rings
"Hey Kaylee I'm just calling to let you know that they've arranged your tour dates and the first one is at the lodge!"
"No way. Seriously?!" I say
"That's so cool when do we leave?"
"Tomorrow so you'd better start packing"
"Wow. That's so soon"
"I know. Anyway I'll see you there then. Bye"
I'm not going to lie- I'm not thrilled about going back to the lodge but I'm not going to tell anyone because they might cancel the dates there and I don't want that. It would be letting down my fans and I know how much Noah wants to go back so I'll keep this hidden.
The next day
"Wow. This is huge" Noah says, marvelling at the sight of the tour bus.
"Just wait until you see inside" I say
We step inside and Noah's jaw drops. It has a huge tv, a bathroom (a proper one not those gross ones) a huge sofa, a table and beds that are so big you could probably fit a bear on each.
"This is bigger than my house" Noah exclaims
"I know" I say laughing
I lie down on one of the beds and it's so soft. I didn't realise until now just how tired I was until now.
Three hours later
I yawn and look at the clock. It's 2pm. I must have fallen asleep on the bed.
"Afternoon sleepyhead" Noah laughs
"Hey! Why don't you try to sit down on one of these beds and not fall asleep" I say
"Okay!" He puts his hands up like he's surrendering.
"Oh and the driver wanted me to tell you that we're going to be there in about five minutes"
That gets my attention and I sit up straight.
"So soon?"
The coach stops.
"I thought you said five minutes"
"Yeah. That was five minutes ago that I was told to say that..."
"I would hit you but I'm too tired"
He opens his mouth to speak but then we hear the sound of screaming fans outside.
"Kaylee we need you outside" my manager, Sarah, comes in
"Okay" I say
As I step out, the noise level increases. I notice that they've put up a rope to prevent the crowds from getting too near. As always, I choose a random number and take a selfie with the fan that is that number away from me. This tour, it's the number 7 so I look over and see that it's Oz. You remember him right? My sorta boyfriend from ten years ago?
I see Noah tense up at the sight of him- he was jealous of Oz back then and he probably thinks that Oz is going to try and get back together with me. I consider taking a selfie with the eighth fan instead but I see Sarah nodding at me. She's seen pictures of him on my social media and knows all about our past so if she thinks I should still do it then I guess I will. Sarah is pretty smart and she wouldn't get me to do this if she thought it was going to cause problems.
"Long time no see" I say to him. I've always wanted to say that.
"So, you want to take a selfie?"
"Sure" he holds his phone out and I lean back to get in the picture. Right at the last second, he leans in and kisses me.
He kisses me.
And Noah saw.

The Lodge: 10 Years LaterWhere stories live. Discover now