The Bulletproofs |2|

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I didn't know what to do. I was all alone in a basement, I think..

It was a dark room, but not enough to block my vision entirely. The men that had kidnapped me finally entered the basement room where I had been kept after 15 minutes.

"You," The taller one says. "You sure do have some guts to walk alone in the middle on the night, knowing the fact that it was The Bulletproof area you were walking at." He smirks.

"Umm..." I have no clue what this guy is talking about. "Bullet-what?" I ask him and their eyes widen up.

"You don't know who The Bulletproofs are?" The other guy asks me.

"" I say with my eyebrows raised, innocently. The two men sigh.

"Hyung, she doesn't know us. Why aren't we popular?" The guy standing in the left whispers to his mate.

"We clearly haven't been doing proper gang-y stuff. We need to kidnap and kill." The taller one says and my eyes widen up in shock. "We need recognition, mate." Wait, am I going to die?

"K-Kill?" The other one shutters.

"'re just gonna kill me?" Trying not to shutter, I ask the men.

"Not yet. We need confirmation from the boss." The shorter one says as he took out his phone and called someone whom I guessed was 'the boss'. This boss must be scary for sure. The way the taller one's breath is shortening is the pure proof.

"Hello, hyung?" The shorter one says. Oh god! This is my final bell. I'm going to die! "Yes, hyung. I turned off the washing machine. Don't worry, the house won't flood again. Yeah." What are they talking about? "Yeah, I purchased the grocerie—wait! There is an important news!" Oh no, he remembered! I'm going to die! "We kidnapped a chick toda—yeah, she is hot—hyung, let's get to the main point!" The guy exclaims out of frustration.

What the hell is going on?

"This chick doesn't know who The Bulletproofs are. We need to do some serious shit." He explains. "Yeah. Yeah, sure. Are you sure? Okay. I will do it." He says and hangs up the phone. God, please forgive me for all of my sins.

"So what did Namjoon say?" The taller one asks.

"He wants to meet her."

When I entered the room,

"You." A sexy man calls me out. He was wearing black leather pants and looked as if he was in his 40s. The aura around him indicated 'dangerous'. I was scared to death— is what I imagined 'the boss' to look.

In reality—

When I entered the room,

A leaning tower of pizza boxes was kept on the centre table. What the hell? The Boss likes pizza? The room was quite dirty. It was as if I was in the room of an emo teenager.

I moved towards left so that I could take a good look at the person who was sitting behind the tower of pizza boxes. He turns his chair to face me.

"You." He calls me out as he tried to blow a bubble but fails. I give him a creeped out look. "Do you even know what you have done, missy?" He asks me and I shake my head vigorously. He smirks.

"My name is Kim Namjoon. I am The Boss of The Bulletproof gang in Seoul." He says with a smug look on his face.

"You're the boss?" I ask him with my eyebrows raised in shock. He looked as if he was around 18 or 19. He wore grey coloured sweat pants and sweat shirt. There is no way he looks like a boss.

"Of course, I am!" He exclaimed and I roll my eyes.

"Hey? Is this a joke? Am I really kidnapped or is this some kind of a sick reality show with hidden cameras?" I ask all of the men who stood there with a dumbfounded expression on their faces.

"Respect, lady. You forgot the respec—"

"Oh shut up! Don't act like you are a movie star or something." I mock. "Can I Please just leave from here? There is somebody who is anticipating me." I say, thinking about Kyungsoo and the fact that I was gonna take the lead in the bed.

"Hyung! What should we do about her?" The shorter one whines and the boss sighs.

"Call him." He says. Everybody in the room gasps and I look at them in confusion.

"Hyung, him? I don't think that it is a good idea." The shorter one says.

"We don't have any other option, okay?" He gets up from his seat and starts walking around me as if I was a dinosaur specimen. "I can clearly tell that you, lady, are a stubborn, rich and arrogant woman."


"Look at what you're wearing." He says and I, reflexively, take a look at my clothes. "A dress, that too Gucci. The last time Hoseok's sister wore Gucci was 4 years ago." He points at one of the men that kidnapped me.

"He is the only person who will be able to give you a taste of life." The boss, Namjoon, smirks.

"B-But it's too risky. He is working right now.." The taller one stammers.

"As I said. We don't have any other choice. Let's go." The boss, Namjoon says and grabs my arm forcefully as we begin to walk. Where are we though?

"Hey Kim Namjoon, or whatever your name is, where are we?" I ask him and he rolls his eyes.

"I can't tell you that, princess. You are kidnapped, remember?" He mocks at me and I roll my eyes. He is not as dumb as I thought.

"Okay, So here are the rules." Namjoon says.

"I gotta follow rules to meet some knuckle head like you?" I ask him dryly and he sighs.

"First of all, I'm not a knuckle head. I got a 97% in my exams last years." Whoa. "And secondly, he will not be lenient with you like us. He is the most different and the most scariest member of The Bulletproofs." Namjoon explains and I shrug myself.

"So the rules are— 1) Do. Not. Give him a back answer. He really snaps out when people do. And 2) Listen to him. Follow his orders, to be more precise. You'll live that way." He explains and I roll my eyes. Whatever. "Let's go in now."

Hoseok opens the door nervously and we all get in. The room was small, and was filled with around a thousands of computers. It looked high tech. I gasp. So amazing! Who is this person who works with so many computers?

I wanted to meet him instantly. But again, I remembered what Namjoon had told me. He is dangerous, isn't he? He must be hot. I was a master when it came to luring people. I was sure that I could lure him too, until he turned around, only to find me again.

I widen up my eyes due to the shock.

"Min Yoongi?"

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