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"Min Yoongi?!" I exclaim.

It was The Nerd, Min Yoongi who was sitting on a chair, with a laptop on top of the table. He looked... different. What I saw in the afternoon was a Yoongi with messed up hair and glasses. Not to mention, also dried saliva around his mouth. But right now, he wasn't wearing any glasses. His hair was properly set up and was wearing expensive clothes. Gucci. In short, he was looking hot. Nobody could have guess that he was a nerd who had gotten a 98% score on his finals last year.

"Oh, the self obsessed queenka is here." He scoffs. "Couldn't you guys find anybody else on the road? I don't wanna waste my time."

"What the—"

"Hyung, she was hot. We thought that—"

"Our gang can not go further that killing anyone, got it? I would not prefer to do anything with her." Min Yoongi says and I narrow my eyebrows.

That's not right!

"I'm sorry but let me get this clear." I chuckle in nervousness. "You are a part of a mafia gang?" I ask him and he smirks as he nods to my question.

"We just started a month ago so not a lot of people know us. The Bulletproof's, is what we call each ourselves." Yoongi explains.

"And you are our first victim." Namjoon punched my arm playfully. Did he just touch me? Did he take a decent bath?

"Umm...this clearly doesn't seem like a kidnap though. No torture? No crying and asking for money?" I say, suddenly realised afterwards that I was digging my own grave.

"Hmm...sure. I guess we could do that." Yoongi smirks and I roll my eyes.

"Hey Yoongi, why not do a favour and tell me where the fuck we are? Huh? We just met like a few hours ago!" I exclaim.

"Wait, I didn't realise this earlier. You two know each other?" The taller one, again, whose name I didn't know, says.

"Yeah, unfortunately she is a classmate of mine who has a high self esteem. And oh! She is also the queenka of our school." Yoongi says in a mocking tone.

I scoff. "And do you guys know that he is a nerd in our school? Not to mention that he literally has no friends in our class?" I smirk as I spill all of his beans.

"Um..yeah. That could be expected from him." The shorter one, whose name I guessed was Hoseok, nods and I raise my eyebrows in surprise. Okay, that is just sad.

"Fine, I'm gonna grant your lovely wish, Jaehee." Yoongi says as he rests his head on the chair. "We are in the basement of Kang's Duplex." He dryly says and I stop breathing.

"Wait." I say as I glare at the four men in front of me, looking at me with a confused expression. "WE ARE IN THE BASEMENT OF THE BUILDING I LIVE IN?!" I exclaim.

"What? You live here?" The taller one, whose name I didn't know, exclaims.

"Duh! I never knew that our basement had such a place though." I look around, inspecting each and every single detail.

The room that we were in right now had white coloured walls and white tiles on the floor. It looked at if I was actually in a high class hotel, except for the fact that we were surrounded by computers.

The place where I parked my car (also basement) looked all...basement-y. It did not look like this.

"It's a special place only for The Bulletproofs." Namjoon smirks. "We have a rich ass bulletproof member with us who also lives in the same building. He purchased half of the basement for our use. We modified it and now, it looks like a five star hotel."

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