Secret Hideout

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The sun had fully set now on Dinobot Island. It was not pitch black outside but it was dim enough to have to squint to see the dragon in front of you. Weaving their way through the trees was harder at night. There were tons of little roots and thorny shrubs that pierce through scales and get ankles twisted. In addition, the night air brought on a sudden cold sweep and the atmosphere was becoming chillier by the second. Bumblebee was not pleased.

Neither were his comrades as it seemed they could not figure out which direction they were going and Blackarachnia had to continuously shout at them to show her position.

"I'm over here, boys!" Her voice called from a few feet ahead.

"Oh for Primus' sake I can't see where 'here' is!" Megatron called next to Bumblebee. Bumblebee could make out the Decepticon's glowing red eyes and stayed close, not wanting to get separated.

"Just follow her voice, Decepti-doofus." Ratchet said, recalling some of Bumblebee's name calling. Bulkhead and Prowl laughed beside him, catching up to their guide.

Megatron grumbled and stuck a hand out in front of him, feeling for any trees in his way as he walked toward the voice. Bumblebee saw another set of squinted red eyes belonging to Starscream next to Megatron. The seeker had one talon holding his leader's arm and following his footsteps so as not to get lost.

The skinny Decepticon was shivering in the cold and hissed, "How much l-longer until we r-reach the hideout."

Blackarachnia hopped over some rocks that were leading into a ditch, "Not too much longer, we're getting closer to the mountain range."

Bumblebee heard a shift of rocks and a cry of pain from in front of the line. "What was that?"

Bumblebee and Megatron caught up and saw the form of Optimus still on the rocks holding his arm tight with scrubbed eyes. Blackarachnia gasped and jumped down to the Prime and reached her claws.

"Vat happened?" Blitzwing and Lugnut called when they reached the edge of the ditch.

"Optimus slipped and hit the rocks hard." Blackarachnia said up to them and was still holding her hands out. Optimus slowly opened his cerulean blue eyes and half smiled.

"I-I'm ok, guys. Just scared me that's all." He started to sit up and steady his footing while keeping one arm off the ground. He kept on the attitude of a tough dragon but his eyes betrayed him.

Blackarachnia narrowed her multiple red eyes at him, not believing the Prime for a second. Nonetheless, she continued down the rocky hill, brushing her tail off the Prime's for a spilt second. Optimus smiled. The others followed. Bumblebee was worried for his leader. The sooner they reached the hideout, the better.

After what felt like half an hour, Bumblebee was beginning to get tired. They had been walking through hilly terrain for a long time and the yellow dragon's feet were probably covered in thorns and burrs. It was still dark out and night creatures were making creepy noises all around them, making Starscream get very jumpy.

"What was that?" The seeker squeaked getting closer to his leader.

"It was just an owl, Starscream. Don't be such a sparkling." Megatron hissed back.

"I am not being a sparkling, I'm just being cautious!"

Lugnut pushes past the small, trembling seeker, "Sure you are, tiny."

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