Sophie And Fitz

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"Sophie, you are the most beautiful person I have ever met, and don't you dare let anything change your mind. I love you." Fitz said with a wide grin on his perfect face that never had any blemishes.

"Well, Fitzroy Avery Vacker, I love you too," Sophie replied, trying to hide how ecstatic she was.


Sophie nodded.

"That's... good."

"Confessions are over now, and we can be full cognates!!" Sophie held her arms up in victory, looking like a superhero, bringing humour back to the serious conversation.

"This is why I love you." Fitz chuckled underneath his breath.

"WHAT WAS THAT?!" Sophie shouted. Fitz knew that she heard what he had tried quietly, but failed, to say. Sophie giggled, staring at the flush on his face. "Before long, you'll be a tomato!" Sophie snickered.

"How. Dare. You." Fitz said, fake concern and fake hatred clinging to his words like water in the air. He gasped and fell to the floor, "I've been stabbed." Then he started to holler/laugh into the frigid air. He stopped for a moment and looked at Sophie. "What?"

She covered her face and ran. A concerned Fitz followed her into Mysterium, then Eternalia, and then Havenfield. Apparently, she was trying to make it hard for him to find her. He stepped cautiously into the cave near Havenfield, afraid that he might find Sophie whimpering and quietly sobbing. Much to his dismay, that is exactly what he was faced with. "Go away, Fitz. You don't even want me."

"Why in the gnome would you think that?"

"I heard what you said!" desperation filled Sophie's voice. She shuffled to the corner and faced away from Fitz, her head in her knees, hiding her face.

"Well, I guess I should ask this now. I've been waiting for a very long time to ask this. Sophie Elizabeth Foster-Ruewen, will you marry me?" By now he was down on one knee, his dark green pants getting soaked with salty water.

"What?" Sophie asked, whipping her head around to stare him down. "I thought that you didn't want me?"

"Sophie. Of course, I want you and only you. You are perfect."

Sophie hesitated only a millisecond. Considering all that had happened, what they had been through, "YES!"


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