Going out with a BANG

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(Angel, Alastor, Husk and Niffty make their way down to the Opium Drug hideout...hiding behind some trees, they can see the Druggie-Dingos are on high alert...and some of them are actually high!)

Husk: ..what's wrong with them?

Angel: hmm let's see..they look groggy, but twitchy...like they're tired but trying to stay alert, or awake...looks like they've taken some Opium to take the edge off their job. Heh, big mistake. Shouldn't be hard to sneak past them into the garage.

(they sneak through the trees to the garage side door, which is unguarded. Husk uses a playing card to slide open the door)

Angel; great we're in-* WHat the FLYIN' SH*T?!?

(inside they find not only their car and a clearly damaged but NOT totalled car, but TWO MORE vehicles in perfect driving condition!)

Alastor; my MY seems our DEAR FRIEND is a Greedy LIAR

Angel; NO SH*T!! "No means of transportation" MY F*CKIN' ASS!!

Niffty: OooOoH lookit those two! They look so PRETTY!

Alastor: Hmmmm indeed...They would be worth adding to the collection!

Husk: but where are th' keys to em?

Angel; Wally's smart..he wouldn't leave them in the garage for any crony or thief to take out anytime..they'd be in his office.

Alastor; Are you suggesting-?

Angel; YUP!! We're gonna give good ol' Wallabee ULTIMATE PAYBACK. He wants to steal OUR rides? We're gonna take HIS rides. I'll be back in a snap! Or two... Oh and Guys? DON'T FOLLOW ME.

(before anyone can protest, Angel dashes out and rushes upstairs)

Husk; .... (pulls out the keys to their limo) let's go.

Niffty: HUH!??

Husk: Angel keeps getting himself into these messes, he needs to get himself out fer once

Niffty: but what if something happens to him!?

Alastor; indeed, and that would be quite a conundrum to explain to Charlie! (shapeshifts into Charlie) "Husk where is Angel?! Is he ok!? Is he DEAD!? HOW COULD YOU!?"

Husk: ...really/ You're giving me THAT guilt trip?

Alastor; (shapeshifting back) then here's a BETTER scenario...if it were you running up those stairs, and Angel down here, (Shapeshifts into Angel) y'think I would probably do the same thing?

Husk: ... (He looks in the direction Angel ran...then back to the limo...then to the trademark Hazbin Hotel car key in his hand...)

(Meanwhile Angel rifles through the boxes off Opium, looking for the keys and any dirt the absent drug dealer lord may have...then he discovers a box of papers)

Angel; ..damn...not organized my ass....he's got receipts of every deal he's made for the past century n' a half-


Wally: (standing behind Angel, pointing something at his head) woulda' been past THREE centuries of SOMEONE kept their mouth shut.

Angel; ...ugh, Wally...why don't yeh ever keep yer toys in yer pants?

WallY; WHY SHOULD I!? Better yet,why y'goin' this far mate!? y'used to be so f*ckin' smart...keepin' yer trap shut, knowin' when t' back outta a bad time..TAKIN' A GOOD DEAL WHEN IT WAS WORTH IT...when'd yeh get so blimin'' STUPID?

Hazbin Hotel Mis-ventures; Gas RunWhere stories live. Discover now