[F] Smile for Me(SoonHoon)

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AU kind of thing

In which Soonyoung sees this cute boy at the bus stop every day on his way to work. He eventually gathers enough courage to talk to him. Eventually it gets to a point where Soonyoung has never seen Jihoon smile. He makes that his goal but the shorter always stifles his laughter or hides his face. Soonyoung is so distracted that he doesn't realize something. . .


Mornings for Soonyoung were always really busy. Soonyoung made his way down his apartment hurrying to the same bus stop that he has been going to for many years. Where he lived was always kind of dreary. The skies were gray as usual and it seemed like it was soon to rain. Rain was definitely not uncommon, especially for this time of year, but it had never really bothered the ever so cheerful Soonyoung. Something seemed different this day though.  Soonyoung spotted a head of bright pink hair at the typical stop. The male that the hair belonged to was very short and honestly really cute. Soonyoung knew he liked boys and girls and something about this pink haired stranger had his heart fluttering.
He never belived in love at first sight but there's a first time for everything. Soonyoung was confident as he crossed the street and as he approached the small male but as soon as he was standing in front of the pink haired male he felt very intimadated and couldn't find the right words. It wasn't the gaze of the smaller that intimadated Soonyoung. Sure he did have a face that didn't seem friendly but to tell the truth, Soonyoung was very intimidated by beautiful people. Standing in front of this beautiful stranger reminded Soonyoung of the time he embarassed himself in front of this one male cheerleader. He remembers the cheerleader's name, Jeonghan. That was in his sophomore year of high school so it's been a while. 
Sure, the cheerleader was pretty but the beauty in front of him was more to his taste. 
"Are you going to just stand there like a weirdo or were you gonna say something?" Saying Soonyoung was caught offguard is an understatment. He stuttered around a few words before finally saying a legible sentence.
"Um, well. You aren't a regular at this stop. Did you move here or like. . ." Soonyoung just kind of stood there awkwardly. He pushed his untouched-up dyed blonde hair out of his eyes as he waited for a response. 
"If you must know, I've lived here for three years now. I moved to this area when I was eighteen. My car recently was hit and while it's being repaired I have to take the bus. My name is Jihoon" The smaller then crossed his arms. "Are you gonna tell me your name or am I just gonna have a one sided conversation?"
"Ah! Yeah, my name is Soonyoung but as a nickname I just go by Hoshi. Like the Japanese word for star."
The two conversed for a bit before the bus finally came around. Hoshi felt like he was finally gonna meet someone new in his day to day life. The last time he met someone new was when his boss hired two good looking chinese men. He got along pretty well with them but they really didn't talk much outside of work. This was the first chance in ages that Hoshi had to actually talk to someone who wasn't working in the same place he was. He got onto the bus and sat in whatever seat was open near the front. To his suprise, Jihoon had sat next to him and continued their conversation. Hoshi smiled and laughed. He was generally invested in the conversation and invested in Jihoon. His stop came up and it was time for Hoshi to go to work. He grabbed his stuff and stepped off the bus. He went to work that day with his catmouth like smile.


The next day came along and Hoshi longed for a break from his day to day job. But he did find himself being hyped to see if Jihoon was still gonna be there. He almost ran out of his room without pants, he never found himself so excited to meet someone who he did not have a romantic interest in. Well he did but refused to admit it to himself. He walked to the stop and smiled as he saw the bright pink hair. He almost walked across the street at a green light but caught himself. As soon as traffic stopped he walked across with a goofy smile on his cute face.
"Jihoon, nice day right?"
It wasn't. It was still kind of gray and dull out but Soonyoung had no other way to start a conversation.
"Same as every day." Jihoon's voice sounded rougher than it had the day before. Not like he's sick more so of a "ive been yelling for hours" kind of rough. A lightbulb went off in Soonyoung's head and he pulled a thermus from his bag before offering it to Jihoon.
"It's hot tea. And don't worry I haven't drank from it today." Jihoon looked at Soonyoung for just a moment before taking the thermus and drinking from it. Soonyoung smiled at the smaller before closing the thermus. "Take it. It's nice to drink tea in this weather." Jihoon's eyes met with Soonyoung's eyes which creased due to his smile. He had such bright smiling eyes that made Jihoon want to smile too. He didn't.
After some chitchat, the bus came and they continued talking as they had before.
This thing happened continuously for week and Soonyoung notied he had never seen the strawberry head's smile. It was always the same. Soonyoung left the house and either waited for Jihoon or met Jihoon there. Jihoon always arrived at the same time but Soonyoung didnt want Jihoon to think he was weird for memorising his schedule. Anyways, Soonyoung was a silly person. He'll crack jokes and tell funny stories(they arent that funny but theyre funny to Soonyoung) but never has he seen Jihoon laugh only small smiles. Soonyoung now had a mission to make Jihoon laugh. A clear hearty genuine laugh. This would take a process though. Maybe flustering Jihoon would work.
The next day, Soonyoung walked to the stop a little bit early and waited. It had become habit for him to make two thermuses of hot tea. At this point he knew exactly how Jihoon liked his tea. Apparently up to the point where his car broke, Jihoon had been drinking coffee every morning and that didnt sound very healthy. Tea was a healthy alternative with less caffeine and sugar. Soonyoung looked at his phone and noticed Jihoon was not there at the usual time. He looked around and didn't see the pink hair anywhere. This was odd. After the third day they had exchanged numbers and they had called every so often as friends do. Jihoon didnt have an actual phone so they could only talk when Jihoon had been home. Lucky for Soonyoung, Jihoon was usually always at home after or before work. Everytime Soonyoung called he was always met with a "Hello, Jihoon speaking". Soonyoung always thought it was cute. He looked through his contacts and called Jihoon. After a few rings he heard an unrecognizable voice answer.
"Who's this?"
"Hmm, Seungcheol. I live with Jihoon, you're Soonyoung right? Jihoon woke up with a fever so he's in bed. Don't worry I have a day off so I'll be taking care of him."
"Oh. Tell him to feel better soon. How did you know it was me?"
"Jihoon talks about you a lot. And I've listened to a few of your calls too. Jihoon is telling me not to say it but earlier he said he wishes he had some of the tea you make him." Seungcheol decided not to tell Soonyoung that his name along with his number was saved on a piece of paper as 'star boy with the cat-mouth smile'.
"I see. Tell him I'm very flattered. Anyways, take good care of him, please. Its nice to meet you." Soonyoung hung up and waited for the bus. All day at work he was worried about Jihoon, wishing him a fast recovery. He decided it was a good thing that Jihhon had a reliable roommate.
That rose an interesting question. Was Jihoon in a relationship? Soonyoung wasn't thinking of it for any reason in particular, just curiosity. Maybe Seungcheol was Jihoon's boyfriend and was lowkey telling Soonyoung that he's all Jihoon needs. He did seem reliable. These thoughts filled his head till he finally fell asleep. The next morning he went to the stop and arrived in time to see Jihoon walking. He had a mask covering his face. One with a cute bear face on it. The mask may have covered his face but it was that same pink hair that Soonyoung always recognized. "Jihoon! You're still supposed to be in bed. Go home."
With sentences that were interrupted by coughs, Jihoon kept insisting and insisting that he was fine. Soonyoung picked up his phone and called Jihoon's house. Seungcheol's voice came on.
"Hello, hello."
"Where do you live? Jihoon came to the stop and he's coughing like crazy. His forehead is burning."
"I knew this would happen. Hes a workaholic, I swear."
Jihoon interrupted, "I'm fine. If you take me home, you'll be late for work."
Soonyoung didn't care. He was willing to skip work as long as he knew Jihoon was home resting. Seungcheol told Soonyoung the address and Soonyoung managed to get himself and Jihoon there walking. He knocked on the door and was greeted by a guy with brown hair who was probably just as tall as Soonyoung.
"I was just about to leave for work too. Thanks for calling. Can I trust you to take care of him though? I need to get to work in a few." Seungcheol was in and out of rooms. He seemed to be in a panic. So in spite of that Soonyoung agrees.
He helped Jihoon rid himself of layers and got Jihoon into his room and into his bed. Jihoon was shivering. Soonyoung looked around for blankets and some medication of any sorts. He found Tylenol and a few small blankets. He grabbed a cup from the kitchen and filled it with water before bringing it to Jihoon. Jihoon shook his head.
"I want your tea." Soonyoung smiled to himself upon hearing Jihoon say that. He pulled the container out of his bag and handed to to Jihoon. He helped the smaller sit up. Jihoon took the pills and took it down with the tea. Jihoon quietly asked for Soonyoung to get him his laptop and put on some netflix for him. All Jihoon really wanted were cuddles but he couldnt risk getting Soonyoung sick or weirding him out. Even if he did ask him he could just blame it on the fever. Jihoon assured Soonyoung he could leave whenever but he hoped the other would stay. Soonyoung set up the laptop so that Jihoon could see it without straining. Soonyoung sat on a small one person couch in the corner silently scrolling through his phone. Jihoon thought it would be best to catch some rest. Even if he didnt want to, his eyes shut and he fell into a quiet rest.
Soonyoung had finished with his instagram stories and noticed a very light snoring. He looked over at the peaceful resting face of Jihoon. He looked less stern and. . . very cute. Jihoon reminded him of a sleeping cat. He was tempted to stroke the pink hair and see if he got a purr out of him. He kind of did so. He stroked Jihoon's head. Jihoon pushed into the touch. Soonyoung pulled back in fear that he had woken Jihoon. Jihoon was as sound asleep as ever. A sigh escaped Soonyoung's mouth. He opened a window and left Jihoon's room. He decided he would pick up a bit. It wasn't really dirty but picking up a little couldn't hurt. Anything that looked important he left where it was or at least where it could easily be seen. He was wiping off the landline and around it when he noticed a piece of paper with his number and 'star boy with the cat-mouth smile'. He smiled to himself. Was this what Jihoon had written his name as? He put the towel somewhere to dry but he started to hear a noise coming from Jihoon's room. As he got closer he realized it was laugher. . .? He opened the door tginking maybe Jihoon had woken up and was watching a comedy on his laptop but he still saw Jihoon's eyes closed. He was laughing in his sleep. They were actually more like giggles and Soonyoung giggled as he saw it. Jihoon was so cute. Everything about him was cute or just generally attractive. It was kind of sad that the only time Soonyoung had seen Jihoon laugh was while the elder had a fever and was in bed giggling to himself. Soonyoung rested on the same couch that he was sat on earlier and laid back to rest and just think. Eventually he himself had drifted to sleep.
His sleep was restful but he was awoken by something. He heard a lot of shifting in bed. He slowly lifted his head and looked around. His disorientation did not last long so when it faded he got up to check on Jihoon. Jihoon was moving around a ton and was sweating.
"Jihoon. Jihoon!" Soonyoung grabbed the smaller's shoulders and shook him. Jihoon's eyes opened and he looked around before his gaze fell upon Soonyoung. He calmed but his breathe and heart rate were both still abnormal.
Soonyoung kneeled down a bit before stroking Jihoon's hair. Jihoon's eyes closed once again and his breaths calmed. Soonyoung was about to leave the room to get some water but stopped when he heard something.
"Soonyoung. . . stay with me." It could've been said in his sleep but Soonyoung stayed by Jihoon's side regardless. Jihoon hadn't said it in his sleep.


Jihoon's eyes opened to find Soonyoung still by his bed. He was still cold but it warmed him to know Soonyoung stayed just for him. Soonyoung had his eyes closed and was resting in what looked like an uncomfortable position. It looked like his spine was about to bend in half. Jihoon lightly shook the blonde. When Soonyoung's eyes met Jihoon's, Jihoon grinned.
"Get in the bed." Jihoon commanded. Maybe this fever had gone to his head. Soonyoung was surprised to say the least. "Get in the bed and cuddle me." Soonyoung hesitated.
"But if I get sick, who'll take care of you."
"I don't care just cuddle me." There was a long moment of hesitation before Soonyoung climbed in the bed. Soonyoung radiated all kinds of heat. Jihoon was happy and they cuddled.

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