Part 1

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After the seven brutal hours of driving to our lake house in Nebraska from Chicago, I slowly wobbled out of the red SUV. My legs were stiff as could be and my butt had gone completely numb. This trip isn't exactly getting me excited. I'm mean it's the summer of my senior year and I have to be 300 miles away from all of my friends for the whole summer while I basically do nothing.

My step mom came out from behind the car giving me a stern look.

"Danielle, go get all of your bags and bring them inside to your room. Then you can go watch your sister and brother while they swim off the dock. Okay?"

"Okay, okay," I said in the most annoyed tone I could muster up.

First of all, they are my step brother and step sister. My dad and my mom had divorced when I was really little. I don't remember much, but I was always told it was an ugly divorce. My mom and dad fought over me. They both wanted full custody, but instead my mom got 70% custody and my dad got 30%.

But honestly, I'm not a piece of furniture, it's not like you own me by having more custody over another. Anyways, I spend most my time at my mom's house in Chicago. But I have to go on vacations with my dad so it doesn't really work out for me. My step mom, Jennifer, and my dad have been together for as long as I can remember. So I pretty much had to follow every order she demanded me to do. She's always just been there.


After I threw my bag in the little sad excuse of a room, I quickly got into my swimsuit, rounded up the kids, and went to the dock. My brother jumped in before I even made it to the lake and my sister slowly trudged behind me. We spent at least two hours on the dock, and it was about dinner time so my sister and brother decided to walk back to the cabin for food. I stayed. I didn't feel like leaving my comfortable spot on the lake and I wasn't very hungry either.

I laid out reading my book and looking at the stars. In Chicago, you can barely see the stars at night because of how bright the city is. The dock was so peaceful; I felt like I could stay there forever. About 20 minutes later, a loud and obnoxious party boat decided to float it's way over to me, it pretty much ruined the whole peaceful lake moment. Then a very tall and attractive boy made his way to the tip of the boat that was closest to me.

"Hey there, do wanna hop on? We're just cruising and partying around the lake." His smile was brighter than anyone I had ever seen, and his blue eyes sparkled in the moon light. He shook his chocolate brown hair, "So do ya?"

I knew that I kind of wanted to, but my parents wouldn't be happy with me and also I am afraid of boats.

"Um, no thanks. I rather not; I was actually just leaving." Lies, all of it, but I didn't feel like getting on a strangers party boat and going out the rest of the night.

"Haha okay. I guess I'll see you around then, bye!" He exclaimed with a goofy smile on his face. He turned the boat around and went back out into the lake.


I gathered all my things and walked back to the house, it was nearly 10. I was surely going to get a talk from my step mother. Those were always the worst. She usually just goes on and on about me being careful and being a good girl and not doing stupid things. Honestly, the only reason she said all of that stuff was because of my ex boyfriend Ash.

He was my first real love. We started dating when we were only sophomores. But at the end of this last year we got in an accident. We were in his speed boat at his lake house and we had just been driving around for fun. The night had pretty much been perfect. We snuggled together, kissed and a little more.

Then out of no where, another speed boat twice the size of his came and hit us. Luke died in the accident and I only came out with a few cuts and bruises. But how is that even fair? I don't understand at all. It's been about 6 months since the incident and I still can't bare to hear his name. Imagine your heart being ripped out of you and thrown around then forced back into you. That's how it felt when my real mom told me he had passed away. I was depressed for months and I cried every night thinking of my little time with him.

His life was cut way too short; he deserved to live a full life, to learn and make more mistakes. To fall in and out of love again and again and again. He deserved to get the chance to go see his favorite band play and party until he couldn't party anymore over and over. He deserved to get married, have children and grow old to be a grandpa. He deserved so much more. I couldn't bare the thought of him no longer being with me. But time helped me heal; now it's getting better. I'm still completely shaken up from it and I get over emotional very easily. I haven't gone a boat since then, and I don't really plan on going on one again.


When I got to the cabin, nobody was awake, so I just went straight to sleep. Falling asleep was always hard for me. I couldn't help but think of Ash and how much I missed him, but tonight was different. I felt like I was able to let go and just relax. Thank god there was no pep talk waiting for me, I don't think I could have been able to deal with it.


Author Note-

Please tell me what you think of it so far, I know it's only the first part, but I promise it gets better. This was a short chapter but they'll get longer. Please comment and give me feedback:) Thanks!

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