Part 4

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The next five days were the longest five days of my life. My dad and Jennifer agreed to ground me for my so called "inappropriate" behavior. They said the main reason they were grounding me was because I went out on the boat with Shawn all night, but they still haven't told me why they despise him so much.

What could he have done that makes them think he's such a bad kid? And how do they even know the Tenley's? We've only been here for like two and a half weeks.


Today at 10, my five day sentence is finally over. Anxiety was overcoming me because I had told Shawn I was going to see him, but I've been MIA (missing in action) for the past week. I didn't know what I was going to tell him.

After my breakfast in solitary, I threw on my swim suit, got a bag together, and basically started sprinting to the dock.

My dad yelled after me, "Wait Dani!" I stopped running and turned around, "Remember what I told you. Don't be messing around with that boy!" I rolled my eyes and kept walking towards the dock. When I got to the dock, I rolled out my blue towel, and laid down.

After about 20 minutes of soaking up the sun, a tall girl with long brown hair thrown up in a pony tail started walking towards me. "Hey!" She said in a very friendly tone.


"Are you new around here?"

"Yeah, this is the first time my family has come out here, but we bought our place about two years ago."

"That's cool. Well my name is Clare, I live right over there," she pointed to a huge house, the biggest one I've ever seen at the cabin.

"My name's Danielle, I live right through those two trees."

"Nice! Do you mind if I join you while you tan?"

"Nope, not at all," I laughed a little, "I could use another friend around here." She sat down next to me, sprayed herself with sunscreen and relaxed. We talked for a really long time, just general stuff. She was so sweet.

"So what have you been up to these past few days?"

"Well for the past five days I've been grounded for my so called 'inappropriate' behavior," I started laughing then she did too.

"Oh god, what did you do?" She let out another laugh.

"My dad got mad at me for going out with a boy on his boat all night. He thinks he's a bad kid for some reason, but he was actually pretty nice. I liked him a lot."

"Ooooohh. What's this boys name Danielle?" She said moving her eye brows up and down with a huge smile.

"His name is Shawn Tenley."

She looked at me for a few seconds bewildered. "Oh. Shawn... You don't seem like your his type," she smiled,"I'm just kidding. But Dani don't wor -" She stopped in the middle of her sentence and looked at me wide eyed, "Wait a second, are you the Dani?!" Stressing the "the".

I was completely confused now, "What?"

"OH MY GOD! Dani! He's been talking about you for the past five days non stop. He was supposed to see you but you never showed!"

"Yeah... Because I was grounded Clare."

"Oh my god, how did I not put this together before," she started shaking her head and laughing, "ever since that night, he's just talked about you!"

"Really? Well tell him I'm sorry. I don't know if I can do that again Clare..."

"Do what? Have a perfect night with a college boy? Fall for a great guy? Maybe he has a troubled past, he's just misunderstood."

"He's great, but it's not because of his troubled past. I don't even know what happened! It's because of other personal stuff... But what did happen?"

"Well when he was 16 he was in this horrible accident with his ex girl friend. They were driving home from my party and they were both a little bit over intoxicated. Apparently his ex girl friend, Megan, started fighting with him and he lost sight of the road for a few seconds and crashed into an oncoming car," she paused for a couple of seconds and but her lip, "the two passengers in the other car died," she almost whispered that last part. "But Dani, I promise you, he is not a bad guy at all. That was one mistake of his, and it's normal for people to make mistakes. He's changed. I've never seen him talk about a girl like he did about you."

"Wow Clare. That's just horrible. I... I don't know what to say."

"Danielle, please don't judge him just because of a stupid choice, please he means a lot to me, and I haven't seen him this happy in a very long time."

"How do you know him?"

"He's like a brother to me, when we were young our parents were good family friends and we've been really close ever since I can remember."

"I'm not going to judge him on that at all. Like you said we all make mistakes, but it's just my previous boy friend... I don't know if I'm ready... It's just,"

She interrupted me, "Dani, if you don't wanna talk about it, it's okay."

"No I want to, I need to talk about it." I told Clare everything about Ash. All the details of what happened. When I finally finished, she stood up and gave me a warm hug, "I'm so sorry for your loss Dani. It must have been so hard and it probably still is."

"Thank you, Clare. It means a lot, but I need to start moving on from Ash bi matter how hard it is."

"I was hoping you'd say that." She gave me a huge smile and stood up. "Let's go find your boy toy Danielle." I let out a loud laugh and started following her.

I smiled and responded, "Okay Clare."


Author Note-

Well new character, meet Clare!! Don't worry, Shawn is going to be in the next part I promise.

The next part will be a lot of Clare Shawn and Dani. But mostly Dani and Shawn. Keep giving me feedback telling me how you like it. Thank you so much for reading!!

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