Part 5

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"Come on Danielle! Speed it up, were almost to Shawn's cabin," Clare trudged forward. I was a little bit nervous to see Shawn after these past days. I didn't know if he would be mad or what his reaction would be.

Clare told me not to worry and to just be myself, which is easy for her to say because she's perfectly gorgeous and is probably one of the nicest people I've ever met. Clare knocked on the door and yelled, "Shawn it's your favorite person, now open up."

"Hold on Clare, I have to put on some pants, unless you want to see my cute boxers." After about two minutes of waiting at his door he finally popped out.

"I brought a friend with Shawn, so be nice," she said slightly laughing. I moved out from behind her and I gave a small wave.

"Dani. Hi," he took a small pause, "Where have you been?"

"Hi Shawn, I'm sorry I didn't come to see you. It's just -" Clare quickly interrupted me and started blabbering.

"Well, you see Shawn, because of you she got grounded. Her parents were mad she was out all night with you. And yeah. So basically the bottom line is that it's your fault she didn't come to see you, so don't be pissy and shit." Following her words of wisdom, she eyed the two of us and laughed. But while she was talking he seemed to completely tune her out. He just looked at me the whole time which worried me. I wasn't sure if this was good or bad thing, he was really hard to read.

He took two steps forward and gave me a huge hug. A feeling of relief suddenly flooded my emotions. He picked me up and whispered in my ear, "I thought something bad happened to you, Dani." I smiled into his shoulder and couldn't help but notice how worried he actually sounded. I had just met this boy, yet he already seemed to care so much about me.

Clare interrupted my train of thought, "Awwww, look at the two love birds being all touchy and lovey." I let out a giggle and Shawn smiled and set me down.

After catching up with Shawn, Clare invited us over to her house and to go out on her boat. While we were walking back to her house, I talked to Clare alone while Shawn said hi to a friend of his.

"Clare, I forgot to tell you," I took a small pause, "my parents, I mean my family can't see me around Shawn. My dad told me I couldn't be with him because of... You know."

Clare looked at me like she completely understood my situation, "Don't worry, Dani, I'll cover for you if I ever have to and I'll make sure we don't go by your house or dock."

Shawn interrupted out conversation before I could finish what I was about to say. "What'd I miss?" He said in a sarcastic tone, but neither of us answered. I looked at Clare and mouthed "thank you" to her. She smiled back and nodded her head.


Shawn's arm was around my body holding me tight and I was leaning on his shoulder. Clare was towards the back of the boat laying out; she was most likely napping.

"Dani, I'm sorry I got you in trouble. Most parents don't usually like me, especially when I'm already in college and their daughters not..."

"It's okay Shawn. It wasn't even your fault; I was being stupid when I went in your boat."

"No you weren't, if you hadn't of come on I wouldn't have gotten to know you. And that would have been a shame." He chuckled a little but then I quickly responded.

"Well your right," I sighed and thought of whether or not I should ask him about the accident, "but Shawn, my dad doesn't want me around you." I looked at him worried about what his response would be.

"Do you want to be around me?"

"Of course I do," I gave him a big smile and looked down at my feet.

"Good because I do, too." He smiled and gave me a short cute kiss.


After being on Clare's boat most of the day, we decided to head home. Plus I had to get back to tell my dad where I had been all day. Shawn insisted on walking be home, but I reminded him of what my dad said. So instead he walked me half way home.


"Hi I'm home."

"Hey where have you been?" Questioned Jennifer.

"I was on a friends boat, her name is Clare."

"Oh that's fun. I'm happy you aren't hanging around that boy, it's for the best Danielle." I smile, nodded, and went to my room to change.

I got into my pajamas and decided to just chill in my room the rest if the night, it was already 10:30. When I finally decided to set down my phone and turn off the lights a knocking at my window startled me.

"Psstt, Danielle. It's me." The last person I expected to be seeing at this hour and place.

"Shawn what in the world are you doing here? You're going to get yourself in trouble!" I whispered in a very stern tone.

"I was wondering if tomorrow you would want to go into town with me and hang out? I asked Clare and she said she would cover for you." He had his huge goofy smile on as usual, but this time he seemed more excited than ever before.

"Shawn Tenley, are you asking me out on a date?" I cracked a giggle and just looked at him.

"Noooo. I'm just inviting you into town with me for the day, like normal people enjoying the presence of each other."

"Well in that case, I would love to." He looked at me with his green eyes and just kept smiling. It was like nothing could ever get that expression off his face.

"I'm happy to here that. I will pick you up at Clare's house around 6-6:30. Deal?"

"Deal." I smiled and mouthed to him "good night."

"Good night, Dani."


Author Note-

Sooo how do you like Dani and Shawn? This part wasn't very good but I just needed to get the story between Dani, Shawn, and Clare going.

I'm really starting to like Shawn's character. Make sure you keep reading because the next part is really big and important a lot is going to come out about Shawn and Dani. Thank you for reading my book!

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